Objects & Places from Midnight in Chernobyl

Adam Higginbotham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Midnight in Chernobyl

Adam Higginbotham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Midnight in Chernobyl Lesson Plans

Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station

This was a power plant built in Eastern Ukraine. It was comprised of four independently operating reactors that supplied electricity.


This was a city built around a nuclear power plant for workers at the plant. It was evacuated after the nuclear accident.

Kiev (now Kyiv)

This is the capital city of Ukraine.


This is the capital of Russia and was the capital for the USSR.

Unit Four

This is the reactor that melted down in 1986.

The Ministry of Energy and Electrification

This was the Soviet agency responsible for overseeing civilian power production and distribution as well as safety regulations at power plants.


This was the Soviet Ministry of Medium Machine Building.


This was a Soviet nuclear research and design institute.

The Kurchatov Institute

This was a scientific research center for nuclear physics research.

Hospital Number Six

This was where victims...

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