Middlesex Test | Final Test - Medium

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Middlesex Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the police detectives tell Tessie and Milton is the best thing for them to do to help find Callie?
(a) Search New York City for Callie.
(b) Hire a private investigator to find Callie.
(c) Call Callie's friends to see if she has gone to see one of them.
(d) Return home to Grosse Pointe to wait for her to call.

2. How does Callie avoid going to the theatre with her parents?
(a) She runs away from the hotel.
(b) She stays at the clinic with Dr. Luce.
(c) She tells them she has menstrual cramps.
(d) She tells them she is too tired.

3. How does Jerome react to Callie's abnormal genitals?
(a) He laughs and ridicules her.
(b) He does not say anything at the lodge, but later tells Rex and his friends.
(c) He does not notice anything unusual because he is so pleased that he has had sex.
(d) He points them out to the Object and Rex.

4. Why do the homeless men beat Cal?
(a) Cal refuses to give them money.
(b) They discover that Cal is a hermaphrodite.
(c) Cal refuses to give them drugs.
(d) They attempt to rape Cal and he tries to resist.

5. Why is the Obscure Object transferred to Mr. da Silva's class?
(a) She has tested out of the lower level English class.
(b) She wants to read the Illiad.
(c) Her teacher, Ms. Lampe, does not want her in her English class any longer.
(d) Her parents requested that she be transferred to a more challenging class.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Meg Zemka?

2. What surprises Cal most about Desdemona's appearance when he sees her for the first time since returning home?

3. What does the Object's father do while driving Callie to the family's summer home in Petoskey?

4. What course of treatment does Dr. Luce recommend for Callie?

5. What does Cal/Callie say the hardest adjustment is that s/he has to make in choosing to live as a man?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Callie have sex with Jerome?

2. How does Milton attempt to down play Callie's condition when telling her about the course of treatment?

3. Why does Callie not discover her hermaphroditism in this chapter?

4. Describe the dynamics of Zoe's and Father Mike's relationship.

5. Why does Callie name her love interest "the Obscure Object"?

6. What does Desdemona reveal to Cal when he returns home?

7. Describe Meg Zemka's personality.

8. Describe the Baker-Inglis English class production of Antigone.

9. How does Tessie react to the fight that Milton has with the men during Sunday dinner?

10. Describe the circumstances that lead Milton to cancel the Stephanides family's trip to Turkey.

(see the answer keys)

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