Middlesex Test | Final Test - Easy

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Middlesex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following changes in Callie is not typical for a girl to go through during puberty?
(a) Breast development.
(b) Growing public hair.
(c) Growing armpit hair.
(d) Lowering of the voice.

2. Why does Cal finally call home?
(a) He wants to explain why he ran away to his parents.
(b) He has been arrested while working at Bob's club.
(c) He does not want his parents to worry about him.
(d) He has out of money and needs his parents so send him more.

3. What surprises Cal most about Desdemona's appearance when he sees her for the first time since returning home?
(a) She has lost weight because of inactivity.
(b) She does not have her hair in her traditional hair net.
(c) She seems to have aged considerably.
(d) She is still confined to her bed.

4. Which of the following does NOT occur at the hunting lodge?
(a) Jerome, Callie, Rex and the Object smoke marajuana.
(b) Jerome and Callie have sex.
(c) Callie stops the Object from becoming intimately involved with Rex.
(d) Jerome, Callie, Rex and the Object break into the lodge.

5. Why does Sourmelina move back to Detroit in 1972?
(a) To be closer to her family.
(b) To escape the heat of the Southwest.
(c) Because Mrs. Watson leaves her for another woman.
(d) Mrs. Watson wants to be closer to her family.

6. How does Callie avoid going to the theatre with her parents?
(a) She tells them she has menstrual cramps.
(b) She stays at the clinic with Dr. Luce.
(c) She tells them she is too tired.
(d) She runs away from the hotel.

7. What does Cal/Callie say the hardest adjustment is that s/he has to make in choosing to live as a man?
(a) Getting used to using men's bathrooms.
(b) Asking women out on dates.
(c) Dressing like a man.
(d) Walking like a man.

8. What business venture does Milton begin with the remaining money from the insurance settlement on the Zebra Room?
(a) A Cadillac dealership.
(b) A series of hot dog stands.
(c) A Greek restaurant.
(d) A McDonalds franchise.

9. What does Callie do to convince her mother that she does not need to visit the gynecologist?
(a) She tells her mother about her unusual genitals.
(b) She stuffs her bra with tissues to convince her mother that she has developed breasts.
(c) She pretends to get her first period.
(d) She prays that her mother will cancel the appointment.

10. What concerns Dr. Luce most about Callie's disappearance?
(a) Dr. Luce believes that Callie is in a fragile psychological state after discovering the nature of her condition.
(b) Dr. Luce wants to begin treatment of Callie immediately.
(c) Dr. Luce believes Callie was abducted.
(d) Dr. Luce believes Callie has false information about her condition and would like to set her straight.

11. Why does Cal want Chapter Eleven to drive through Detroit on their way home for Milton's funeral?
(a) He wants to delay seeing Tessie for the first time since deciding to live as a man.
(b) He wants to shop for an outfit to wear to the funeral.
(c) He wants to revisit the settings of her family's history.
(d) He wants to stop and visit some of Milton's old friends.

12. According to Dr. Luce which of the following is NOT an influence on gender identity?
(a) Genitals.
(b) Disease.
(c) Sex of rearing.
(d) Hormones.

13. What is Cal's motivation for attending the Warhol exhibit opening in Berlin?
(a) He must attend in an official capacity as a cultural attache.
(b) He hopes to run into Julie Kikuchi there.
(c) He likes the Mies van der Rohe building it is being held in.
(d) He admires Warhol's work.

14. Who is Meg Zemka?
(a) Callie's best friend.
(b) An employee at Hercules Hot Dogs.
(c) Callie's first female crush.
(d) Chapter Eleven's ultra-liberal girlfriend.

15. What is perplexing to Dr. Luce and his colleagues about Callie's condition?
(a) It has been yet to be seen in someone with Turkish ancestry.
(b) She refuses to believe that she is genetically a boy.
(c) It is unusual in someone who has not gone through puberty yet.
(d) She has both male and female genitalia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Callie is concerned about her upcoming appointment with Dr. Bauer?

2. Who poses the greatest threat to Cal, Matt and the other Deadheads living in Golden Gate Park?

3. Who is Mr. da Silva?

4. Who is Hermaphroditus?

5. What does Callie notice about herself when she sees herself in the mirror for the first time after having her hair cut?

(see the answer keys)

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