Middlesex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Middlesex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Lefty fired from the Ford automobile company?
(a) He is living with a man who has a criminal record (Jimmy Zismo).
(b) He refuses to wear traditional Greek dress in the Ford English School pageant.
(c) His work is sloppy and inaccurate.
(d) He does not pass his English language exam.

2. What is unusual about Lefty and Desdemona's relationship?
(a) They are pretending to be brother and sister, but are actually involved in a romantic relationship.
(b) They have very different interests. Lefty likes the modern, city life while Desdemona is more traditional.
(c) They live alone in their family home after their parents die.
(d) They are sexually attracted to each other even though they are brother and sister.

3. What tragic event occurs on the same day as Calliope's birth?
(a) Callie's parents discover she has a rare genetic disorder.
(b) Her grandfather dies.
(c) The Korean War begins.
(d) Her grandfather has his first stroke.

4. Which of the following statements best describes Uncle Pete?
(a) A superstitious old man.
(b) A self-made business man.
(c) An intellectual chiropractor.
(d) A sweet natured priest.

5. Why does the silk Lefty sells in the market not earn much money?
(a) He brings the cocoons to market too late in the day.
(b) The merchants are poor and are unable to pay much for the silk.
(c) Desdemona does not give him enough cocoons to sell.
(d) The silk is of poor quality and can only be used to make organzine.

6. Where do Desdemona and Lefty move to when they arrive in the United States?
(a) New York City.
(b) New Smyrna.
(c) Grosse Pointe.
(d) Detroit.

7. What does Lefty teach Desdemona to help her pass the English literacy test required for entry into America?
(a) A Bible passage about eunuchs.
(b) A Bible passage forbidding incest.
(c) Passages from the Greek Bible.
(d) English phrases.

8. Which of the following is NOT a criterion in the real estate "Point System"?
(a) Ethnic origin.
(b) Occupation.
(c) Marital status.
(d) Religion.

9. What helps narrator feel more masculine?
(a) Using urinals in the men's bathroom.
(b) Cigars.
(c) His full head of hair.
(d) A checked shirt.

10. What does Desdemona promise St. Christopher she will do if Milton is spared injury in the war?
(a) She will send Milton to Bithynios to repair the town's church.
(b) She will attend church on a daily basis.
(c) She will confess to her children that she and Lefty are brother and sister.
(d) She will donate a large portion of her earnings to the church.

11. What does Desdemona vow to never do again after Calliope's birth?
(a) Attend church.
(b) Speak to Tessie.
(c) Predict a child's sex.
(d) Leave her ill husband alone.

12. What medical fact does Dr. Philobosian share with Desdemona that makes her worry about her pregnancy?
(a) The baby will take on the traits of whatever picture a woman is looking at when the baby is conceived.
(b) Women must take folic acid to prevent birth defects.
(c) Babies must be baptized while they are still in the womb.
(d) Birth defects in babies usually only occur when families intermarry.

13. What is the source of Dr. Philobosian's sadness?
(a) He has no where to go when he reaches America.
(b) His family was killed by the Turks.
(c) He had to leave his family behind in Turkey.
(d) The other passengers are cruel to Dr. Philobosian because he is Armenian.

14. Who does Desdemona hope that Milton will marry?
(a) Tessie Zismo.
(b) Zoe Stephanides.
(c) Julie Kikuchi.
(d) Gaia Vasilakis.

15. Who is Mrs. Watson?
(a) Sourmelina's lover.
(b) A customer at the Zebra Room.
(c) Milton and Tessie's neighbor.
(d) Lefty's mistress.

Short Answer Questions

1. What drives Desdemona and Lefty from Bithynios?

2. What happens to Milton as he is about to go into war that Desdemona believes is an answer to her prayers?

3. What does Desdemona vow to never do again after Milton's birth?

4. What does Desdemona keep in the silkworm box to predict the sex of a baby?

5. Why do Lefty and Desdemona know that they can trust Sourmelina to keep the secret that they are siblings?

(see the answer keys)

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