Middlesex Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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Middlesex Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 4, Go West, Young Man.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What religion do the members of Temple No. 1 practice?
(a) Greek Orthodox Christianity.
(b) Catholicism.
(c) Islam.
(d) No religion. They are a business, not a church.

2. What does Lefty resolve to do after his visit to the brothel?
(a) Attend the local Greek church more often.
(b) Tell Desdemona of his feelings for her.
(c) Leave Bithynios to immigrate to America.
(d) Marry a village girl and start a family.

3. What does Lefty do while working on the assembly line at Ford that angers some of the other workers?
(a) He brags about his well-to-do brother in law.
(b) He speeds up his work which forces the other workers to have to work more quickly.
(c) He eats only traditional Greek foods for lunch.
(d) He takes English classes at the Ford language school.

4. What is significant about Callie's and Clementine's soak in the Middlesex hot tub?
(a) Callie discovers she is sexually attracted to girls.
(b) Lefty spies on the girls while they are in the hot tub.
(c) The girls discover their interest in water ballet.
(d) Callie injures Clementine.

5. What shocks Desdemona and Lefty about Sourmelina's husband, Jimmy Zismo?
(a) His dark skin.
(b) His wealth.
(c) His occupation.
(d) His religious beliefs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Fard Muhammad?

2. Why does the Object say she is happy that Callie's family is going on vacation to Turkey?

3. Who is Mr. da Silva?

4. What is the source of Dr. Philobosian's sadness?

5. Where do Desdemona and Lefty move to when they arrive in the United States?

(see the answer key)

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