Middlemarch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Middlemarch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dorothea decide to do with her time now that she is a widow?
(a) Resume her charitable work.
(b) Continue Casaubon's research.
(c) Venture back to Rome.
(d) Study the arts.

2. What does Fred ask of Farebrother at the beginning of Chapter 52?
(a) To loan Fred money.
(b) To deliver a letter of proposal.
(c) To get Mary's opinion on Fred pursuing a career in the church.
(d) To perform the wedding ceremony for Mary and himself.

3. What does Lydgate prescribe for Raffles' treatment?
(a) Quinine.
(b) Opium.
(c) Brandy.
(d) Iodine.

4. To celebrate briefly being out of debt, Rosamond does what?
(a) Buys new furniture.
(b) Buys a new horse.
(c) Sends out dinner party invitations.
(d) Plans a trip abroad.

5. Who breaks the news of Dorothea and Ladislaw's impending marriage to the Chettams?
(a) Dorothea.
(b) Mr. Brooke.
(c) Lydgate.
(d) Ladislaw.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who faints at the town meeting?

2. Who sees Lydgate at the pool hall?

3. In order to be with Ladislaw, Dorothea renounces her need for what?

4. Who buys Stone Court from Rigg?

5. Whom does Mrs. Garth want Mary to marry?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the events leading up to Fred and Mary's marriage.

2. With what information does Raffles attempt to blackmail Bulstrode?

3. What happens at the end of Chapter 71, during and after the town meeting?

4. What is Mrs. Cadwallader's advice to mourning Dorothea?

5. What is Mr. Garth's plan to right the wrongs bestowed on Fred Vincy by Featherstone?

6. What revelation does Mrs. Garth make to Fred Vincy?

7. What happens between Bulstrode and Ladislaw in Chapter 61?

8. What is Lydgate's diagnosis and prescription for Raffles?

9. Describe Ladislaw's visit to the Lowick church.

10. What are the stipulations of Casaubon's will?

(see the answer keys)

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