Middlemarch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Middlemarch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rosamond do in Chapter 58 against her husband's advice?
(a) Gets a job.
(b) Travels to London.
(c) Begins to study politics.
(d) Goes out riding.

2. How many children do Mary and Fred have?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) None.
(d) Four.

3. Who assures Ladislaw that everything has been cleared with Dorothea?
(a) Rosamond.
(b) Farebrother.
(c) Lydgate.
(d) Farebrother's mother.

4. Mrs. Bulstrode asks her husband to leave Stone Court in whose care?
(a) Fred Vincy.
(b) Ladislaw.
(c) Mr. Brooke.
(d) Lydgate.

5. Who takes over for Lydgate in caring for Raffles?
(a) Bulstrode.
(b) Mary Garth.
(c) Rosamond.
(d) Fred Vincy.

6. Rosamond interferes with Lydgate's plans to do what?
(a) Sell their house.
(b) Move back to Paris.
(c) Go into politics.
(d) Start a new practice.

7. How old is Dorothea when she becomes a widow?
(a) 19.
(b) 26.
(c) 21.
(d) 32.

8. What has changed for Celia by the time of Casaubon's death?
(a) She is in poor health.
(b) She is widowed.
(c) She has had a baby.
(d) She is divorced.

9. Who is no longer welcome at Freshitt in Chapter 51 because of political differences?
(a) Lydgate.
(b) Farebrother.
(c) Ladislaw.
(d) Mr. Brooke.

10. Lydgate dies at what age?
(a) 67.
(b) 44.
(c) 50.
(d) 32.

11. Bulstrode asks his wife's opinion on what issue?
(a) A business proposal.
(b) Politics in Middlemarch.
(c) His final will.
(d) The progress of the hospital.

12. Who vows support of Lydgate and claims they do not believe the accusations against him?
(a) Fred Vincy.
(b) Bulstrode.
(c) Rosamond.
(d) Dorothea.

13. What does Lydgate give Rosamond to help her feel better?
(a) A mild sedative.
(b) Brandy.
(c) Quinine.
(d) Iodine.

14. Why doesn't Mr. Cadwallader condemn Dorothea's marriage to Ladislaw?
(a) It is none of his business.
(b) Dorothea has waited an appropriate amount of time before remarrying.
(c) Money is no reason to pass up marriage.
(d) He does not like Dorothea or Ladislaw and so feels that they deserve one another.

15. To make his problems go away, Lydgate has tried what?
(a) Opium.
(b) All answers are correct.
(c) Gambling.
(d) Alcohol.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what other character does the author compare Dorothea in Chapter 85?

2. What business made Bulstrode rich?

3. Brooke's political platform does not endorse what?

4. Who tries to blackmail Bulstrode?

5. Why does Ladislaw refuse the money offered to him by Bulstrode?

(see the answer keys)

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