Midaq Alley Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Midaq Alley Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Hamida feel about Abbas?
(a) Hamida neither likes nor dislikes Abbas.
(b) Hamida secretly hates Abbas.
(c) Hamida secretly loves Abbas.
(d) Hamida is secretly delighted with his attention.

2. What does Hamida believe is everything in life?
(a) Love.
(b) Wisdom.
(c) Money.
(d) Beauty.

3. When does Zaita begin work?
(a) At sundown.
(b) At midnight.
(c) At sunup.
(d) At noon.

4. Why does Abbas think Hamida talks of money rather than of love?
(a) Poverty has colored Hamida's thinking.
(b) Hamida is only interested in money.
(c) Hamida's love for him has overwhelmed her.
(d) Modesty conceals Hamida's real interest in him.

5. Why is Umma Hamida pleased with Salim Alwan's offer?
(a) The marriage will get Hamida out of her house.
(b) The marriage will make Hamida happy.
(c) The marriage will be a financial benefit to her.
(d) The marriage will be a professional success for her.

6. What does Kirsha believe is replacing public recitations?
(a) Individual memorization.
(b) Musical performers.
(c) The radio.
(d) Television.

7. What does Salim Alwan believe that Allah has done to make men's lives easier?
(a) Provided for them to marry one woman.
(b) Provided for them to take more than one wife.
(c) Made hashish legal.
(d) Made sharp bargaining acceptable.

8. What relation is Umm Hamida to Hamida?
(a) She is her foster mother.
(b) She is her aunt.
(c) She is secrety her mother.
(d) She was a wet nurse to the child.

9. How has Dr. Booshy earned his title?
(a) He studied at the university in Cairo.
(b) He was apprenticed to a dentist.
(c) His patients call him "doctor."
(d) He studied dentistry abroad.

10. How does Zaita treat his clients?
(a) He is as friendly and encouraging as possible.
(b) He is as cruel and vicious as possible.
(c) He is as fast and efficient as possible.
(d) He is as kind and patient as possible.

11. What does Kirsha blame himself for his wife's behavior?
(a) Kirsha should have beaten his wife.
(b) Kirsha should have educated his wife.
(c) Kirsha should have left his wife.
(d) Kirsha should have been kinder to his wife.

12. What does Sheikh Darwish say about Abbas' love of Hamida?
(a) "The meaning of this in English is tragedy."
(b) "The meaning of this in English is confusion."
(c) "The meaning of this in English is romance."
(d) "The meaning of this in English is joy."

13. How is Hamida's engagement to Abbas confirmed?
(a) By the reading of the Qur'an.
(b) By signing a contract.
(c) By giving Hamida a diamond ring.
(d) By pledging before witnesses.

14. What does Hamida feel for Abbas as they walk together?
(a) Neither attraction nor aversion.
(b) Intense aversion.
(c) Intense attraction.
(d) Deep curiosity.

15. What does Abbas say that falling in love has done for him?
(a) "It's made me content with the alley."
(b) "It's made a new person of me."
(c) "It's ruined my life."
(d) "It's brought me great happiness."

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Zaita help the strong man to become an efficient beggar?

2. How does Sanker disrespect the old poet?

3. Why does Uncle Kamil say he can never marry?

4. Who is the only person in constant motion in the cafe?

5. Why does Radwan Hussainy invite Kirsha into his home?

(see the answer keys)

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