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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Schelling say about human desire?
2. In Schelling's analysis, what behavior governs the people filling the theater?
3. What does Schelling ultimately say about a decision such as where to sit in a theater?
4. What natural phenomenon does Schelling compare the economy to?
5. What does Schelling say the processes of separation, segregation, sharing, and mixing have in common?
Short Essay Questions
1. In what way does a thermostat mirror the behaviors of many systems, in Schelling's analysis?
2. How many possible genetic variations can result when two people have a baby together?
3. Which U.S. presidents' decisions about nuclear weapons does Schelling describe?
4. What is the critical-mass model?
5. What does Schelling say is the best use for the models he is describing?
6. What does Schelling say about discrimination?
7. How does Schelling describe segregation?
8. What natural preference does Schelling say leads to segregation of populations in American cities?
9. What is the lemons model?
10. What does Schelling say is the consequence of inadequate analysis of participants in an economic system?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What institutions or roles is the social scientist playing by analyzing, predicting and trying to influence human behavior? Is the social scientist a preacher, engineer, or artist? What roles does he take, and how is the social scientist different? Cite examples from the book as you make your answer.
Essay Topic 2
What are the risks and benefits of using numerical analysis in models of human behavior?
Essay Topic 3
What do Schelling's models of human behavior tell us about human nature? Do they tell us different things about individuals than they tell us about society? Do they delve into psychology, or are they still essentially economic in nature?
This section contains 904 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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