Micromotives and Macrobehavior Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Thomas Schelling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Micromotives and Macrobehavior Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Thomas Schelling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Schelling describe the Golden Gate Bridge?
(a) As a static equilibrium.
(b) As an open system.
(c) As a semi-closed system.
(d) As a closed system.

2. Why does Schelling say people tend to sit in the back of a theater?
(a) Because they are afraid of the front.
(b) Because it is darker there.
(c) Because that's where the desirable people sit.
(d) Because they want to be able to leave.

3. What additional explanation does Schelling offer for seat selection?
(a) He says it might be evidence of a higher intelligence.
(b) He says it might be influenced by the spirits.
(c) He says it might be a learned process.
(d) He says it might be random.

4. What does Schelling say race discrimination is caused by?
(a) Past injustices.
(b) False perceptions.
(c) Historical enmity.
(d) Economic inequality.

5. How does Schelling say the success of society is evaluated?
(a) In the welfare of the least successful individuals.
(b) In the health and success of individuals.
(c) In the success of the leaders and superior individuals.
(d) On the aggregate, not the individual level.

Short Answer Questions

1. What natural phenomenon does Schelling compare the economy to?

2. Which example does Schelling say complicates the prospect of arriving at a definitive proposition?

3. What does Schelling say you must know in order to understand what segregation might result from choice?

4. What part of a heating system does Schelling use as a metaphor for human behavior?

5. How do people affect each other's decisions where to sit in theater?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the relationship between behaviors that can be modeled and free will, in Schelling's analysis?

2. What does Schelling say the thermostat model seeks?

3. What is the open model, in Schelling's analysis?

4. What does Schelling say is the best use for the models he is describing?

5. What experience got Schelling thinking about distribution?

6. What factors influence how effective a proposition is, in Schelling's analysis?

7. What does Schelling mean when he says that certain behaviors have the character of mathematical "identical truisms"?

8. What kinds of subliminal factors does Schelling say affect people's decisions of where to sit?

9. How do economic systems resemble ant colonies, in Schelling's analysis?

10. What natural preference does Schelling say leads to segregation of populations in American cities?

(see the answer keys)

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