Thomas C. Schelling - This person is the author of Micromotives and Macrobehaviors.
Human Beings - These people are the subject of many of the socio-economic behavioral studies in Micromotives and Macrobehaviors.
Adam Smith - This person once characterized the perfect economic system as one that worked as if some unseen hand brought about the coordination.
Kenneth Boulding - This person is known for using ecological behavior models to study group conflict.
Maurice S. Bartlett - In Epidemics in Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown, this person presents a model for the study of the measles epidemic and results by country.
J. Maynard Smith - In Models in Ecology, Chapter 5, This person refers to competition in the study of group conflict.
Harvard Faculty - This group of people takes part in the dying seminar.
George A. Akerlof - This person is the author of The Market...
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