Mexican Gothic Test | Final Test - Easy

Silvia Moreno-Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mexican Gothic Test | Final Test - Easy

Silvia Moreno-Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Noemí learn about Dr. Cummins in Chapter 22?
(a) He is the servant of the Doyles.
(b) He is a relative of the Doyles.
(c) He is a slave of the Doyles.
(d) He is the master of the Doyles.

2. Who is Noemí meant to marry, as revealed at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) Virgil.
(b) Dr. Cummins.
(c) Francis.
(d) Howard.

3. According to Virgil in Chapter 22, why had the Doyles lost their family fortune?
(a) Because of the Revolution.
(b) Because of the mushroom.
(c) Because of the epidemic.
(d) Because of Howard's illness.

4. According to Noemí at the start of Chapter 17, what has she feared the men she dated would do to her?
(a) Entrap her.
(b) Forget about her.
(c) Release her.
(d) Smother her.

5. Who brings Noemí back inside after her escape attempt in Chapter 22?
(a) Dr. Cummins.
(b) Francis.
(c) Virgil.
(d) Florence.

6. What does Florence call Noemí in Chapter 23?
(a) An outcast.
(b) A misfit.
(c) An outsider.
(d) An interloper.

7. Against what does Noemí caution herself in Chapter 16?
(a) Rationality.
(b) Equanimity.
(c) Hysteria.
(d) Impassiveness.

8. How does Virgil explain Noemí’s report of moving mold in Chapter 18?
(a) By saying she is tired.
(b) By saying she is ill.
(c) By saying she is right.
(d) By saying she is lying.

9. What does Noemí drink at the end of Chapter 24?
(a) Marta’s tincture.
(b) Virgil's poison.
(c) Harold's blood.
(d) Florence's wine.

10. According to Francis at the end of Chapter 22, what is Howard about to do?
(a) Migrate into Catalina.
(b) Migrate into Francis.
(c) Migrate into Virgil.
(d) Migrate into Noemí.

11. What does Noemí lose when she attempts to escape in Chapter 21?
(a) Her glasses.
(b) Her shoe.
(c) Her bracelet.
(d) Her coat.

12. What is notable about Noemí’s marriage to Francis in Chapter 24?
(a) The celebration is held at the same time as the ceremony.
(b) There is neither a celebration nor a ceremony.
(c) The celebration is held before the ceremony.
(d) The celebration is held after the ceremony.

13. According to Francis in Chapter 23, what is happening to Howard’s body?
(a) It's growing stronger.
(b) It is falling apart.
(c) It's holding steady.
(d) It's regenerating.

14. What doubt does Florence express at the end of Chapter 15?
(a) That Howard would let Francis go free.
(b) That Howard would let Noemí live.
(c) That Howard would let Noemí leave.
(d) That Howard would let Francis have Noemí.

15. When Noemí sees Howard in Chapter 19, what is bloated and covered with boils?
(a) His leg.
(b) His arm.
(c) His neck.
(d) His scalp.

Short Answer Questions

1. What myth does Noemí read in Chapter 18?

2. According to Virgil in Chapter 22, what must the Doyle family do to their bloodline every once in a while?

3. According to Virgil in Chapter 13, whom has Noemí really harmed?

4. What is the state of Noemí’s rash in Chapter 15?

5. How does Catalina describe the page she gives to Noemí in Chapter 16?

(see the answer keys)

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