The Metamorphosis Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Metamorphosis Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reveals to the reader that Gregor is still sensitive to beauty and art?
(a) Grete's violin playing.
(b) His ability to contemplate eloquent thoughts.
(c) His sensitivity toward the photo.
(d) His desire to be closer to his family.

2. What does Gregor's father do to him that is characteristic of the father?
(a) Chastizes him.
(b) Embraces him.
(c) Ignores him completely.
(d) Aggressively chases him.

3. What characteristic of Gregor's family do they all share that prevents them from helping Gregor?
(a) Stupidity.
(b) Carelessness.
(c) Ignorance.
(d) Laziness.

4. What question does Kafka pose with the scene of Grete playing her violin and The Lodgers' reaction?
(a) Does having the ability to logically reason make something human?
(b) Are not all beings with a consciousness human?
(c) Is humanity really a matter of physical shape?
(d) Is beauty still beauty without any adorers?

5. What was one thing Gregor's father did before the transformation that was attributed to his laziness?
(a) Did not do dishes.
(b) Did not clean up after himself.
(c) Slept in.
(d) Enjoyed long breakfasts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gregor believe his family will be able to understand following his transformation?

2. How are Gregor's best intentions interpreted by others throughout the story?

3. What does Gregor note while he is being chased back into his room?

4. What kind of fears did Gregor exhibit in his human life?

5. With what image does the story end?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are two failures that occur within the narrative?

2. What is shocking to the reader in the first part of The Metamorphosis after Gregor wakes up to his new insect body?

3. If his speech could be understood, what would his words to the Chief Clerk and his family have served to do?

4. How does Gregor's effort to hold on to his human belongings and, thus, his humanity backfire?

5. What does the visit of the Chief Clerk serve to represent within The Metamorphosis?

6. What kind of atmosphere does Gregor live in throughout the narrative?

7. What is the irony of Gregor attempting to hold on to something familiar and human in the second part of The Metamorphosis?

8. Who has a small inkling that Gregor might understand them and why is this character an ironic choice for this revelation?

9. What do Gregor's interactions with his father throughout The Metamorphosis illuminate for the reader?

10. As the third part of The Metamorphosis opens, what creates a sense of tragedy and despair?

(see the answer keys)

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