Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Test | Final Test - Medium

A. Craig Copetas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Test | Final Test - Medium

A. Craig Copetas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what years did Marc Rich make the greatest profits in oil as this was its peak in American demand in Chapter 9?
(a) 1976-77.
(b) 1979-80.
(c) 1980-81.
(d) 1974-75.

2. Who was the Shah of Iran in 1979?
(a) Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
(b) Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar.
(c) Naser al-Din Shah Qajar.
(d) Mohammad Shah Qajar.

3. What was the name that Rich registered his company in Chapter 8?
(a) Rich + Green AG.
(b) Rich + Co. Inc.
(c) Green + Rich, Inc.
(d) Marc Rich + Co. AG.

4. Who was the most interested in making the business purchase and anxious to get it underway in Chapter 11?
(a) Ludwig Jesselson.
(b) Edmond Mantrell.
(c) Pincus Green.
(d) Denise Rich.

5. How much money did Rich and Pinky demand as bonuses from Jesselson in Chapter 7?
(a) $1 million.
(b) $500,000.
(c) $400,000.
(d) $2 million.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Robbie Lichtenstern die?

2. What did Rich's core team of traders dub themselves as in Chapter 14?

3. After the Iranian Revolution, doing business with Iran was a crime and considered treasonous where?

4. Where did Rich create a holding company before buying 50 percent of the voting stock of the corporation he purchased in Chapter 11?

5. Marc Rich wanted to do what before leaving Philipp Brothers in Chapter 7?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Rich register his company as in Chapter 8? Where did he operate?

2. What were Marc Rich's dealings with the Iranians described as in Chapter 9? Why did the Iranians deal with Rich?

3. Who was found murdered in Chapter 13? What was speculated as the cause of the murder?

4. Where did Marc Rich establish his own business in Chapter 8? Why did he choose this locale?

5. What happened with many traders once the Ayatollah Khomeini took over government control in Iran? How did Marc Rich react?

6. What was the main problem for Philipp Brothers with the oil trade? Who was concerned about Rich's risks?

7. What impact did OPEC have on the oil trade in Chapter 7? How did this affect Rich's dealings?

8. What was the reaction of the New York offices following the gunpoint incident in Chapter 10? How was Rich connected to the affair?

9. What happened to Robbie Lichtenstern in Chapter 14? How did he die?

10. How had the Arab oil embargo affected the oil trade in Chapter 15? What illegal activity arose during this time?

(see the answer keys)

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