Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

A. Craig Copetas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

A. Craig Copetas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is surmised to have given the orders to initiate the rumor in Chapter 2?
(a) Edmond Mantell.
(b) Marvin Davis.
(c) Ali Rezai.
(d) Marc Rich.

2. What did Rich trade with the Cubans in Chapter 5?
(a) Nickel and mercury.
(b) Nickel and copper.
(c) Gold and silver.
(d) Aluminum and silver.

3. What company had Marc Rich begun working at immediately after dropping out of college?
(a) Clarendon Limited.
(b) Philipp Brothers.
(c) Bank of Credit and Commerce International.
(d) Glencore International AG.

4. Who had recently taken power in Cuba when Rich began making business contacts there?
(a) Fidel Castro.
(b) Raul Castro.
(c) Fulgencio Batista.
(d) Mirta Díaz Balart.

5. The author writes that in the geographical location of Europe, one could buy a metal for one dollar from a Far Eastern customer and sell it for how much to a North American customer before the day ended?
(a) $2.
(b) $1.50.
(c) $5.
(d) $3.

6. What product did Marc Rich's father-in-law trade in Chapter 5?
(a) Lumber.
(b) Oil.
(c) Shoes.
(d) Metals.

7. Where had there been no official release of the news of the rumor in Chapter 2?
(a) Birmingham Castle.
(b) New York.
(c) The Roman Cathedral.
(d) The White House.

8. The author writes in Chapter 6 that everyone from bellhops to brokers had similar thoughts about Marc Rich--he was effective but secretive and what?
(a) Paranoid.
(b) Hateful.
(c) Sadistic.
(d) Adulterous.

9. What vice did Marc Rich pick up after becoming manager of the Madrid office for Philipp Brothers?
(a) Drinking.
(b) Gambling.
(c) Smoking.
(d) Heroin use.

10. The author writes in Chapter 5 that during Jesselson's tenure at Philipp Brothers there was no need for buy-outs or what?
(a) Golden parachutes.
(b) Bailouts.
(c) Government regulation.
(d) Freedom parades.

11. The author's description of Marc Rich in Chapter 6 states that the trader was demanding and unfair with underlings and displayed little personality and had no sense of what?
(a) Humor.
(b) Civility.
(c) Dignity.
(d) Empathy.

12. Traders of what trading company were busted by the FBI in 1981?
(a) Chemical Resources, Inc.
(b) Mineral Resources, Inc.
(c) Intertech Resources, Inc.
(d) Entergy Incorporated.

13. Where did Philipp Brothers establish a firm it was miraculously able to keep alive during World War I?
(a) Oslo.
(b) London.
(c) Warsaw.
(d) Paris.

14. How much money did Marc Rich earn per week when he started working at Philipp Brothers?
(a) $500.
(b) $100.
(c) $200.
(d) $60.

15. Who encouraged Marc Rich to quit college and become a trader?
(a) Henry Rothschild.
(b) Michael Skawinski.
(c) Henry Kissinger.
(d) James Miller.

Short Answer Questions

1. Traders at Philipp Brothers were trained to move how in their dealings?

2. The author writes in Chapter 5 that Jesselson's tenure at Philipp Brothers was during an era when relationships were forged by trust, not by what?

3. What does the author write that investors were not aware that every industry in the world was driven by in Chapter 1?

4. In what year did Marc Rich begin his career as a metal man?

5. When did Rich became the manager of Philipp Brothers' Madrid office?

(see the answer keys)

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