Messenger Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Messenger Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Matty see in the tapestry is happening at Village?
(a) They're building a wall around Village.
(b) They're turning people away from Village.
(c) People are waiting for Matty's return.
(d) They're holding another Trade Mart.

2. What is the weather like as Matty is preparing to leave?
(a) It's raining.
(b) It's sunny and very hot.
(c) It's snowing.
(d) It's cloudy but hot.

3. What is the tapestry Kira is working on?
(a) A garden.
(b) A picture of fruit on a table.
(c) A portrait of a man and woman.
(d) A landscape of mountains.

4. How does Seer know Matty and Kira have entered Forest?
(a) He can sense it.
(b) Leader tells him.
(c) Seer has a gift of sight.
(d) He doesn't.

5. Why does Matty say that returning to Kira's village is not really an option?
(a) Leader is waiting for them.
(b) Seer is waiting for them.
(c) He can't pass again through the vines.
(d) They wouldn't be welcomed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is no one being allowed into Ramon's house?

2. What kind of animal bites Matty during his trip?

3. What does Kira provide for Matty to eat?

4. What is Kira's reaction when Matty says he can heal her leg?

5. Which of the following are problems they face when going through the swamp?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some of the ways Forest attacks Leader?

2. Describe the daily meetings between Leader and Seer as Leader watches the progress of Matty of Kira's journey.

3. Describe what Matty sees when he is healing Forest.

4. Describe how Matty and Kira cross the swampy area.

5. What were some of the things Kira had done for Matty when he was a child?

6. Why is Kira scorned by the people of her village and why is she needed?

7. Why does Matty tell Kira to take up her embroidery again in chapter nineteen?

8. What does Leader do to prepare for his journey into Forest and why?

9. What is the conversation Kira and Leader have when they meet in "Beyond" for the first time?

10. Describe Kira's injuries from the first day in Forest and what she does to try to make the second day of traveling less painful.

(see the answer keys)

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