Messenger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Messenger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Matty after he slices through some of the vines?
(a) Nothing but Kira is burned by the acidic juice.
(b) He becomes afraid that they won't get through Forest.
(c) An acidic juice burns his arms.
(d) He becomes entangled in them again and again.

2. What is the creature that darts across their blanket when both Kira and Matty are nearing death?
(a) A frog.
(b) A beetle.
(c) A lizard.
(d) A chipmunk.

3. What is the tapestry Kira is working on?
(a) A portrait of a man and woman.
(b) A picture of fruit on a table.
(c) A landscape of mountains.
(d) A garden.

4. What does Matty plan to carry inside his shirt?
(a) Frolic.
(b) Food for snacks.
(c) The messages.
(d) Herbs in case he becomes ill.

5. What kind of animal bites Matty during his trip?
(a) A squirrel.
(b) A frog.
(c) A snake.
(d) A chipmunk.

6. What is Kira drinking as she and Matty talk about their gifts?
(a) Water.
(b) Coffee.
(c) Tea.
(d) Lemonade.

7. What does Matty note about Kira's eyes when she's working on the tapestry?
(a) Her eyes are open but focused on the tapestry.
(b) Her eyes are open but unseeing.
(c) He can't see her eyes.
(d) Her eyes are closed.

8. What do Kira and Matty decide to do to get past the stench from Forest?
(a) Tie a cloth over their faces and use the herbal salve.
(b) Take a detour to get around it.
(c) Hurry past the worst of the smell.
(d) Try to ignore it.

9. How many days remain before Village will be closed on the day Matty and Kira enter Forest?
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) Ten.
(d) Three.

10. What is it that Matty thinks about Kira's leg just before he falls asleep?
(a) That he can fix it.
(b) That she's not going to be welcomed at Village.
(c) That it's going to slow down their trip through Forest.
(d) That she's very brave for working through the disability.

11. What is the weather like as Matty is preparing to leave?
(a) It's raining.
(b) It's snowing.
(c) It's sunny and very hot.
(d) It's cloudy but hot.

12. What is the result on Kira when Matty's power is unleashed on the earth?
(a) Her body heals and she reaches out to Leader.
(b) Her body heals and she moves toward Matty.
(c) She begins to breath easy and falls asleep.
(d) She wakes and begins to cry.

13. What kind of shoes does Kira wear?
(a) Leather sandals.
(b) Canvas shoes.
(c) Leather boots.
(d) None.

14. What does Kira carry in her pack?
(a) Food and clothing.
(b) Food and water.
(c) Clothing and blankets.
(d) Her tapestry and materials.

15. What weapon does Leader say he needs in order to rescue Matty and Kira?
(a) A knife.
(b) Only their gifts.
(c) Faith.
(d) A map.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Kira's reaction when Matty says he can heal her leg?

2. What does Matty think about in an effort to distract himself from the discomfort?

3. What does Matty tell Kira about the horrible smell that's coming from Forest?

4. When does Leader say Matty should use his gift?

5. What does Matty use mud for after they complete their journey through the swamp?

(see the answer keys)

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