Messenger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Messenger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is wrong with the frog Leader sees in Forest?
(a) It is unable to croack.
(b) It is blind.
(c) It is unable to catch insects.
(d) It has a stiff back leg.

2. What is Matty planning to buy at the marketplace?
(a) Bread.
(b) Vegetables.
(c) A book.
(d) Flowers.

3. Why does Ramon say he has to go home?
(a) His supper is waiting.
(b) He's already late.
(c) He has a cough.
(d) He is in trouble .

4. Who lives with Leader?
(a) Many people .
(b) Only his daughter.
(c) He lives alone.
(d) His mother and three servants.

5. What does Jean do while she's talking to Matty about her father?
(a) Opens a book that her father once read to her.
(b) Rearranges the items on her table.
(c) Twists her apron in her hand.
(d) Pets the puppy.

6. How was the frog injured?
(a) A log fell on it.
(b) Matty stepped on it.
(c) A wagon ran over it.
(d) A snake bit it.

7. How did Trade Mart begin?
(a) It began as an opportunity to trade extra produce.
(b) No one remembers.
(c) It began as a way to obtain things from outside the village.
(d) It began as a way to trade recipes and information.

8. What does Ramon say his parents traded for the Gaming Machine?
(a) He doesn't know.
(b) His mother's kindness.
(c) A great deal of money.
(d) His little sister.

9. What does Seer say is Leader's gift?
(a) He knows how to lead .
(b) He understands human nature.
(c) He was the first to be able to read.
(d) He sees beyond.

10. What does Ramon say was the fate of Gatherer?
(a) He drowned.
(b) He was taken by Forest.
(c) He was accidentally shot.
(d) He ate a poison plant.

11. What is the role of the adults of Village?
(a) Read, learn, participate and care for each other.
(b) Teaching the children to be respectful of their elders.
(c) Teaching the youngsters to take over as leaders.
(d) Produce food and share with each other.

12. Why does Matty go to pick up the puppy from Jean's house?
(a) Her father is angry that the puppy is so mischievous .
(b) Her father is angry that the puppy is eating so much.
(c) The mother dog has died.
(d) The mother dog is snapping at the puppy.

13. What does Matty look for when he goes inside Mentor's house?
(a) Something to eat.
(b) Books that he could borrow.
(c) Puppies.
(d) Something that Mentor might have traded for.

14. Which of the following is not an argument used to close Village to newcomers?
(a) None of them have money to care for themselves.
(b) Our schools are too small .
(c) We need all the fish for ourselves.
(d) We can't understand them.

15. What does Jean say she believes her father has traded?
(a) His ability to teach.
(b) His deepest self.
(c) Jean.
(d) Matty's power.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mentor's nickname?

2. What is the handicap of the new woman Matty stops to talk with?

3. Who made the tapestry that hangs in Seer's house?

4. Who does Matty say has recently been to a Trade Mart?

5. What does Ramon ask Matty when they encounter each other near Jean's house?

(see the answer keys)

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