The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money did the Friars have?
(a) One hundred fifty golden angels.
(b) Four hundred, twenty golden angels.
(c) One hundred eighty golden angels.
(d) One hundred sixty golden angels.

2. Which was the first beggar to fight with Robin?
(a) The "Blind" beggar.
(b) The "Lame" beggar.
(c) The "Dumb" beggar.
(d) The "Deaf" beggar.

3. What was Little John's thoughts consumed by?
(a) A butt of Malmsey.
(b) Meditation.
(c) A song.
(d) Sweet lasses.

4. Who sent the assassin?
(a) The Bishop of Hereford.
(b) King Richard.
(c) The Sheriff of Nottingham.
(d) King Edward.

5. What area did Robin come to?
(a) London.
(b) Essex.
(c) Paris.
(d) Wales.

Short Answer Questions

1. What would have happened if Sir Richard had not intervened?

2. Why was the Sheriff of Nottingham vexed?

3. Who took third place?

4. What disguise did the King wear?

5. Who was in the King's service, and the son of a beneficiary of Robin?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why wouldn't the Sheriff help the Knight?

2. Why was it that the Prioress betrayed Robin?

3. Who was the person that Robin ran into and why was he hated?

4. Why did Little John help the ladies?

5. How did Robin benefit from each person he encountered?

6. What did Little John say and why was he so upset at the appearance of Guy of Gisbourne?

7. What fascinated Sir Richard about the youth in the wrestling match?

8. Why did the Knight pawn his land and for what reason?

9. What was unique about the poor man's shoes?

10. What did Little John overhear, and why is it of interest to Robin?

(see the answer keys)

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