Men in White Test | Final Test - Easy

Sidney Kingsley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Men in White Test | Final Test - Easy

Sidney Kingsley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of wing does the hospital need Hudson's help with?
(a) X-ray.
(b) Cancer.
(c) Pediatric.
(d) Critical Care.

2. What surprises Ferguson in the operating room?
(a) The music.
(b) Laura's attendance.
(c) The bright lights.
(d) The cold temperature.

3. What other topic is on the agenda for the board meeting?
(a) Expansion.
(b) Internships.
(c) Christmas party.
(d) Public relations.

4. What does Laura say about the surgical gown she wears?
(a) It makes her feel important.
(b) It is too long.
(c) It is wrinkled.
(d) It is tight.

5. Mary knows that ______________ was the father of Barbara's baby.
(a) Hochberg.
(b) Michaelson.
(c) Ferguson.
(d) Cunningham.

6. What does Barbara tell Ferguson before she falls unconscious?
(a) She is glad he is doing the surgery.
(b) She loved him.
(c) She is frightened.
(d) She doesn't know where she is.

7. What does Ferguson tell Laura when she realizes he had an affair with Barbara?
(a) It didn't mean anything.
(b) He is in love with Barbara.
(c) He is in love with Laura.
(d) He is sorry.

8. What happens when Laura touches Ferguson's arm?
(a) He slaps her.
(b) He jerks away from her.
(c) He tells her to get out.
(d) His sterile garments are now unsterile.

9. What would Ferguson have done if he had known Barbara was pregnant?
(a) He would have paid for the abortion.
(b) He would have performed the abortion himself.
(c) He never would have let the abortion happen.
(d) He would have married Barbara.

10. What do the two nurses say that Laura must be?
(a) Hysterical.
(b) Naive.
(c) A med student.
(d) Immature.

11. Why do the board members try to convince Hochberg to approve Ferguson in an associate's position?
(a) Ferguson would be a good appointment and good PR for the hospital.
(b) Ferguson has the most potential of all the candidates.
(c) Ferguson would be wasted in research.
(d) They need Hudson's financial support for the hospital.

12. Which of the following does Laura NOT say about her father and Hochberg.
(a) They are flat.
(b) They are colorless.
(c) They are vivacious.
(d) They have no outside interests.

13. The first part of Act 2, Scene 4 is a demonstration of what?
(a) Gambling techniques.
(b) Medical procedure.
(c) Driving techniques.
(d) Dance instruction.

14. What does Pete tell Laura about the lives of doctors?
(a) Most of them die young.
(b) They have the most exciting profession available.
(c) They live longer because they have access to meds and procedures.
(d) They are in it only for the money.

15. What does Hochberg call the person who performed Barbara's abortion?
(a) Butcher.
(b) Hero.
(c) Fool.
(d) Saint.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the setting for Act 2, Scene 3?

2. What would facilitate Mr. Hudson's investment in the hospital?

3. Where does Hochberg tell a nurse to have Laura sit?

4. What does Ferguson say is all he is thinking about now?

5. Who is allowed to witness the upcoming surgery?

(see the answer keys)

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