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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who does Manuel dedicate "this bull" to during the fight in "The Undefeated"?
2. For which publication does the critic watching the bullfight in "The Undfeated" write?
3. How does the narrator explain the man's strange behavior to his friend Guy in the story "Che Ti Dice La Patria?"
4. In the story "Fifty Grand," how long does Jack have to "get in form" and train for his fight with Walcott?
5. In the story "Che Ti Dice La Patria?" what city do Guy and his friend stop for lunch, when they are teased by some prostitutes?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does the young man in “Che Ti Dice La Patria” do that Guy and his friend think is so strange?
2. In hindsight and while in the hospital, how does Manuel perceive his final fight?
3. How does the girl view the ways they will change after the operation in "Hills Like White Elephants"?
4. Why does the major in "In Another Country" tell the young officer that no man should marry?
5. Why does Jack bet against himself in the fight in "Fifty Grand"?
6. It is suggested that Jack does not like many people. How does he feel about Jerry in "Fifty Grand"?
7. Why does the major think that Pinn is lying to him about being corrupt to his girlfriend in "A Single Enquiry"?
8. How does Jack finally fall asleep on the night before his big fight in "Fifty Grand"?
9. What is Nick and George’s theory about why two killers are after Ole Andreson?
10. Why does Nick want to leave town at the end of "The Killers"?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Alcohol plays a vital role in many of the short stories. Itis often used as a coping device, when everything else feels futile. Write an essay explaining how certain characters use alcohol to cope with difficult life circumstances. Include a few healthier alternatives in the essay.
Essay Topic 2
Write an essay arguing which protagonist is the most believable and why. Describe the protagonist, the events surrounding him/her, and explain how the author creates a protagonist who is realistic and evokes empathy in the reader.
Essay Topic 3
Write an essay describing the author’s narrative style. Select three words to describe his writing style and explain how his minimalistic approach to dialogue and diction impacts his audience.
This section contains 695 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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