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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the peasant's name in "An Alpine Idyll"?
(a) Olz.
(b) Franz.
(c) George.
(d) Stefan.
2. In "Now I Lay Me," what would Nick use for bait when he ran out of worms?
(a) Flies he made.
(b) Insects.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Wood chips.
3. What does Nick remember about his father in "Now I Lay Me"?
(a) That he went on hunting trips.
(b) That he had a good sense of humor.
(c) That he drank a lot.
(d) That he was in the war.
4. In "Banal Story," how old is the girl Nancy Hawthorne to which the narrator references?
(a) 18.
(b) 20.
(c) 16.
(d) 19.
5. In "A Canary For One," why had the American couple been in Vevey?
(a) Visiting family.
(b) For their honeymoon.
(c) On a holiday.
(d) They were from there.
Short Answer Questions
1. In the story "A Canary For One," what is the name of the hotel that the American woman and the couple have stayed at in the past?
2. What is the name of the family with whom Nick is traveling for the holiday in "Ten Indians"?
3. What does Nick remember most about his mother in "Now I Lay Me"?
4. In "Now I Lay Me," what is the initial thing that Nick thinks about when he is trying to fall asleep?
5. In his real life, how did Hemingway ultimately die?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why is Mr. Turner so concerned about William in "A Pursuit Race"?
2. What was the reason that the peasant needed to store his wife’s body until the weather changed in "An Alpine Idyll"?
3. How would you describe the American woman traveling with a canary in "A Canary For One"?
4. What is the author’s attitude toward war?
5. In "Now I Lay Me," when thinking about fishing and trout streams, and praying for all the people has known do not work to help him get to sleep, what does he resort to?
6. What advice does William offer Mr. Turner in "A Pursuit Race"?
7. Why does the third soldier in "Today is Friday" not want to drink with the others?
8. Who is the narrator for the short story “A Canary for One?”
9. Why do you think the author primarily uses dialogue in "An Alpine Idyll"?
10. What is the publication that the narrator of “Banal Story” is reading while Manuel lays dying and what types of articles are in the publication?
This section contains 718 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |