Men Without Women: Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Men Without Women: Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Dr. Tokai tells the narrator that a gentleman does not talk about the women he sleeps with nor about what other subject?
(a) Morality.
(b) Taxes.
(c) Politics.
(d) Religion.

2. Most of Dr. Tokai's friends are said to be what?
(a) Married with children.
(b) Single.
(c) Women.
(d) Married without children.

3. With respect to the topic of "being quick on the draw" (86), the narrator references a film by what famous director?
(a) Francois Truffaut.
(b) Alfred Hitchcock.
(c) Federico Fellini.
(d) Cecil B. DeMille.

4. How many children does the narrator of "An Independent Organ" have?
(a) 2.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 0.

5. The day after Kino and his female customer have sex, what time does Kino awake to find the woman gone?
(a) Nearly noon.
(b) Nearly ten in the morning.
(c) Nearly six in the morning.
(d) Nearly three in the afternoon.

6. About the same time as the bar's unofficial mascot disappears, what other types of creatures does Kino start to see outside of his bar?
(a) Snakes.
(b) Snails.
(c) Apheds.
(d) Rabbits.

7. The narrator of "An Independent Organ" says that he had gotten married in what phase of his life?
(a) In his middle age.
(b) In his teens.
(c) In his thirties.
(d) In his youth.

8. What verb is used to describe the way in which Habara had come to the "provincial city north of Tokyo" (121) four months before the story's beginning?
(a) Transported.
(b) Led.
(c) Moved.
(d) Brought.

9. For how long had Dr. Tokai been seeing the married woman before he had fallen in love with her?
(a) 1 1/2 years.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 3 months.
(d) 6 months.

10. When Dr. Tokai finally falls in love, it is with a woman of what age?
(a) 3 years his junior.
(b) 16 years his senior.
(c) 16 years his junior.
(d) His age.

11. What method does Dr. Tokai use in order to try to keep himself from falling in love with the married woman?
(a) He imagines her making love to another man.
(b) He says mean things to her.
(c) He imagines that she is ugly.
(d) He mentally lists her negative qualities.

12. When Kino finally learns the name of the bald man who always sits in the same spot in his bar, what is it?
(a) Kanda.
(b) Jericho.
(c) Kamita.
(d) Kami.

13. To what work is Habara alluding when he decides to refer privately to his support liaison as Scheherazade?
(a) One Hundred Years of Solitude.
(b) Catch-22.
(c) One Thousand and One Nights.
(d) Robinson Crusoe.

14. In college, Kino had been a "standout" (148) in what sport?
(a) Swimming.
(b) Middle-distance running.
(c) Diving.
(d) Squash.

15. Within the narrator's present-tense description of Dr. Tokai, what is NOT a characteristic the narrator lists?
(a) Dr. Tokai is 38 years old.
(b) Dr. Tokai is 52 years old.
(c) Dr. Tokai lives in an elegant building in Tokyo.
(d) Dr. Tokai has never been married.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of blemishes does Kino's female customer reveal to him the night they have sex?

2. Within one of Scheherazade's stories, she confides in Habara that she had been a high school junior when she first took what action?

3. Where do Kino and his female customer go in order to have sex with one another?

4. The narrator of "An Independent Organ" describes his own marital status in what way?

5. For how many years had Kino worked as a sports equipment maker before buying the establishment at the center of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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