Men Without Women: Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Men Without Women: Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Kafuku describes his new, as yet unnamed, driver as having "strikingly clear eyes" (7) that look out on the world in what way?
(a) Suspiciously.
(b) Lovingly.
(c) Threateningly.
(d) Quietly.

2. What make is Kafuku's car?
(a) Lincoln.
(b) Saab.
(c) BMW.
(d) Cadillac.

3. What other fact is included alongside the narrator's statement that Kitaru had failed his college entrance exams twice?
(a) Kitaru had been ill for a long period of time before exams.
(b) Kitaru had hired an ineffective tutor.
(c) Kitaru had never wanted to attend college.
(d) Kitaru had never studied for the exams.

4. What color is Kafuku's car?
(a) White.
(b) Black.
(c) Blue.
(d) Yellow.

5. For what reason does Kitaru's long-time girlfriend agree to a date with Tanimura?
(a) She thinks Tanimura is handsome.
(b) She wants to get back at Kitaru for suggesting the date.
(c) She has nothing to do on the night he invites her out.
(d) She wants to feel that she has a secret from Kitaru.

6. Both Kafuku and Misaki Watari agree that the play in which Kafuku is currently acting is decidedly what kind of play?
(a) An esoteric play.
(b) A sad play.
(c) A funny play.
(d) A flop play.

7. What does Kafuku tell Misaki Watari after stating that he has wanted to tell her for a while?
(a) That there is something truly maddening about her.
(b) That there is something very off-putting about her.
(c) That there is something very attractive about her.
(d) That there is something very sensual about her.

8. The narrator states that Kafuku generally remains silent unless what condition is met?
(a) He is acting.
(b) If he knows a person well and is talking to them about things that matter.
(c) He is spoken to first.
(d) He is giving an interview to the press.

9. The girlfriend from whom Tanimura parted before college hailed from what location?
(a) Kansai.
(b) Ashiya.
(c) Okinawa.
(d) Shukugawa.

10. In college, Tanimura had worked in what type of establishment with Kitaru?
(a) A bar.
(b) A coffee shop.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) A bookstore.

11. At what type of location do Kitaru, Tanimura, and Kitaru's long-time girlfriend meet for the first time?
(a) A bookstore.
(b) A train station.
(c) A coffee shop.
(d) A beach.

12. The title of the story "Yesterday" is an allusion to a song by what band?
(a) The Rolling Stones.
(b) The Hives.
(c) The Beatles.
(d) The Misfits.

13. Tanimura's father had worked in what position during Tanimura's childhood?
(a) Coal miner.
(b) Steel worker.
(c) Data entry professional.
(d) Pharmaceutical company worker.

14. For what reason does Tanimura dislike baths?
(a) He has a phobia about germs.
(b) He is scared of water.
(c) He does not like to get wrinkled skin.
(d) He gets bored.

15. When making a point about the obscurity of the Kansai dialect, Kitaru's long-time girlfriend declares that no one has ever translated which book into the Kansai dialect?
(a) War and Peace.
(b) Lord of the Flies.
(c) Franny and Zooey.
(d) The Catcher in the Rye.

Short Answer Questions

1. At 18, Tanimura had thought that what quality "constitutes who we are as people" (45)?

2. What does Oba tell Kafuku about the social habits of Kafuku's future driver?

3. When Kitaru describes feelings as if he is splitting himself in two, he names what two emotions?

4. Before their friendship ends, Takatsuki tells Kafuku that it is impossible to take what action?

5. Kafuku thinks upon meeting his new driver that there is something what "about her face" (7)?

(see the answer keys)

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