Men of Men Test | Final Test - Hard

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Men of Men Test | Final Test - Hard

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Zouga and Jordan are traveling back to Kimberley, what does Jordan liken diamonds to?

2. Who watches the column of men ride into the British South Africa Company's camp and realizes that the men are not there to dig holes, but are actually soldiers?

3. Who is promoted to be Dr. Jameson's chief of staff?

4. When Ralph arrives at the Codringtons, he is being watched. Who is watching Ralph's approach?

5. As Ralph prepares to leave the Codringtons, how long does he tell Cathy that he will be gone for?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the instructions that Mungo gives to his advance team just before they cross the swollen river?

2. As Ralph kisses Cathy goodbye as he prepares to leave the Codringtons, Ralph realizes two things. What are they?

3. When Mungo asks Louise why she does not leave him, how does Louise respond?

4. When Bazo captures Ralph under orders from the king to kill whomever was responsible, how and why does Bazo react as he does?

5. According to Bazo, why does he not have sex with the girl who cooks for him?

6. Why is the girl who first greets Ralph at the Codringtons not surprised that Ralph does not know that his aunt has children?

7. Explain the upshot of the note Jameson pens to London, and Jameson's recommendation.

8. When Bazo sends the warriors away, why does Bazo injure Ralph instead of letting him go unharmed?

9. When Ralph heads back to Lobengula's encampment, he meets Bazo along the way. What does Bazo assure Ralph of?

10. Why does Jameson send a party of mounted men to the Umlimo?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe how the character of Zouga Ballantyne changes as the story progresses. Be sure to include your assessment of Zouga's character when he is first introduced in the story, when buries his wife, when he loses his diamond claims in a bet, when he leads soldiers against Lobengula, and when he and Louise begin to build their house. Use examples from the story to support your answer.

Essay Topic 2

Compare and contrast Ralph and Jordan Ballantyne.

a. How are the two characters similar in terms of their professional lives? How are they different?

b. How are the two characters similar in their personality characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses? How are they different?

c. Looking forward, how might the fight between Ralph and Zouga have impacted Jordan long-term more so than impacting Ralph? Did the fight affect both of these men as they moved forward with their lives? Were the men similarly affected or not? Explain your answers and your reasoning.

Essay Topic 3

Throughout the story, there are several attempted characters that either die or are killed.

a. Identify three characters that do not survive until the end of the novel. Describe each character and the circumstances surrounding their deaths.

b. Compare and contrast the characters that do not survive. What does the author have to gain by killing these characters off? What, if anything, does the author lose?

c. How would the story have changed if one or more of your identified characters had survived?

(see the answer keys)

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