Men of Men Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Men of Men Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Bazo asks King Lobengula for a task to prove Bazo's loyalty, what does Lobengula tell Bazo to bring to him?
(a) Zouga's head.
(b) The blue diamond.
(c) Pemba's head.
(d) The soapstone sculpture.

2. At the double wedding ceremony, who does Louise marry?
(a) Mungo.
(b) Cecil.
(c) Bazo.
(d) Zouga.

3. When Gandang sees "the stars are shining on the hills" as was prophesied to Lobengula, what is actually making the light on the hills?
(a) A generator.
(b) A flashlight.
(c) A searchlight.
(d) A fire pit.

4. As Ralph and Zouga are hunting giraffe, they spot a war party carrying long shields. Who is leading the war party?
(a) Lobengula.
(b) Mungo.
(c) Bazo.
(d) Khama.

5. At the story's end, who does Mungo marry?
(a) Louise.
(b) Catherine.
(c) Robyn.
(d) Salina.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ralph and Zouga are working together again, what troubles Zouga about Ralph?

2. What is NOT the name of one of Robyn's books?

3. What do the Codrington girls call King Mzilikazi?

4. Who carves the crutch out of Mopani wood that Mungo uses to get around after his surgery?

5. When Jordan arrives at the cottage that used to belong to Tom Harkness, where Zouga is now living, who is the first person that Jordan sees?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Ralph first meets his Uncle Codrington, Ralph claims that he would have known his uncle anywhere. How?

2. Describe the actions of the advance team's leader as they are surrounded and being killed one by one.

3. When she finally climbs out of the sycamore tree, why does Louise leave all of her supplies, except the rifle, behind?

4. When Mungo receives the letter telling him that his wife has died, Mungo is free to finally marry Louise. What does Mungo do when he receives the letter?

5. When Ralph heads back to Lobengula's encampment, he meets Bazo along the way. What does Bazo assure Ralph of?

6. When Louise hears her mule scream in terror, she climbs a sycamore tree. Why?

7. Explain the upshot of the note Jameson pens to London, and Jameson's recommendation.

8. Why do Jim Thorn and Will Daniel trail behind the rest of Mungo's group that is following Lobengula?

9. As the mounted party clears the narrow cliffs on the way to Umlimo, how does Zouga's horse get killed?

10. According to Zouga, why are some of Lobengula's regiments on the Zambezi unable to fight?

(see the answer keys)

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