Men of Men Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Men of Men Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does remembering a passage from Zouga's book as she wanders in the desert help Louise to find?
(a) Help.
(b) Water.
(c) Safety.
(d) Food.

2. When Cathy goes to live in the British South Africa Company's camp on the Macloutsi River, she is the only woman among how many men?
(a) 300.
(b) 100.
(c) 50.
(d) 700.

3. How long after Mungo's surgery does Robyn remove the stitches from his surgery?
(a) Twenty days.
(b) Fifteen days.
(c) Ten days.
(d) Three weeks.

4. When the column of men rides into the British South Africa Company's camp, how many warriors does King Lobengula have?
(a) 10,000.
(b) 18,000.
(c) 15,000.
(d) 20,000.

5. When the unknown patient sent to Robyn by her grandfather finally appears, who is the patient?
(a) Mungo St. John.
(b) Jordan Ballantyne.
(c) Leander Jameson.
(d) Neville Pickering.

6. When Ralph and Zouga are working together again, what troubles Zouga about Ralph?
(a) Ralph's anger.
(b) Ralph's competitiveness.
(c) Ralph's partner.
(d) Ralph's weight.

7. Which two of the Codrington girls are twins?
(a) Victoria and Catherine.
(b) Victoria and Elizabeth.
(c) Cartherine and Robyn.
(d) Salina and Elizabeth.

8. When Lobengula's men hear of the woman Zouga's soldier makes sport of, who tries to be the voice of reason and settle Lobengula's men down?
(a) Bazo.
(b) Gandang.
(c) Zouga.
(d) Mungo.

9. What was the name of Zouga and Robyn's father?
(a) Fuller.
(b) Ryan.
(c) Matthew.
(d) Jonathon.

10. What do the Codrington girls call King Mzilikazi?
(a) King Silly Cat.
(b) King Wonder Boy.
(c) King Diamond.
(d) Man King.

11. According to what Zouga tells Cecil, what do they need in order to survive?
(a) Mantankaland.
(b) Matabeleland.
(c) Lasonland.
(d) Mashonaland.

12. While Zouga and Jordan are traveling back to Kimberley, what does Jordan liken diamonds to?
(a) Nature's wonder.
(b) Nature's mistakes.
(c) Nature's currency.
(d) Nature's miracles.

13. When Jordan arrives at the cottage that used to belong to Tom Harkness, where Zouga is now living, who is the first person that Jordan sees?
(a) Ralph.
(b) Robyn.
(c) Jan Cheroot.
(d) Zouga.

14. Where is Lobengula's final resting place?
(a) A cave.
(b) A graveyard.
(c) A church.
(d) A diamond pit.

15. How does Lobengula pay Ralph for the guns and bottles Ralph carries up from Kimberley?
(a) Alcohol.
(b) Silver.
(c) Diamonds.
(d) Gold.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Bazo lays down with Tanase just after she has had a vision, who does Tanase warn Bazo not to trust?

2. As Bazo marches his captives back from Pemba's to King Lobengula, who does Bazo meet on the journey?

3. What is the name of the girl who cooks for Bazo and cleans his wounds, as Bazo marches his captives back from Pemba's to King Lobengula?

4. When Gandang sees "the stars are shining on the hills" as was prophesied to Lobengula, what is actually making the light on the hills?

5. As part of Bazo's reward for bringing the king Pemba's head, how many men will Bazo now command?

(see the answer keys)

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