Men of Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Men of Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who proposes Mungo St. John for membership into the Kimberley Club?
(a) Cecil Rhodes.
(b) Leander Jameson.
(c) Neville Pickering.
(d) Zouga Ballantyne.

2. When Bazo first sees Kamuza after his return to Colesberg, what term of great respect does Bazo call Kamuza by?
(a) Baba.
(b) Nori.
(c) Palan.
(d) Zeba.

3. How many men does Zouga sign the first day he offers the higher wages?
(a) Ten.
(b) Eight.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Five.

4. Which is NOT one of the names given to the competition groups?
(a) Shrikes.
(b) Hawks.
(c) Eagles.
(d) Cranes.

5. When Zouga and his family first arrive in Colesberg, about how many people are already encamped there?
(a) About one hundred.
(b) About one thousand.
(c) About ten thousand.
(d) About ten.

6. How long does the journey from Good Hope to the diamond fields take Zouga and his family?
(a) Six weeks.
(b) Four weeks.
(c) Ten weeks.
(d) Eight weeks.

7. When Zouga finally meets the nameless man who requested the meeting, who does the nameless man turn out to be?
(a) Cecil Rhodes.
(b) King Lobengula.
(c) Hendrick Naaiman.
(d) Mark Sanderson.

8. When Jordan is in the kitchen preparing to cut off his male member, who interrupts him?
(a) Zouga.
(b) Ralph.
(c) Bazo.
(d) Jan Cheroot.

9. What is one of the conditions under which Zouga's meeting with the nameless man takes place?
(a) Zouga must approach on horseback.
(b) Zouga must approach at night.
(c) Zouga must approach unarmed.
(d) Zouga must approach with Ralph.

10. What is the name of Zouga's Hottentot retainer?
(a) Neville Pickering.
(b) Jock Danby.
(c) Black Thomas.
(d) Jan Cheroot.

11. Who comes to visit Zouga to "inform" him of what wages he can pay, per the Digger's Committee?
(a) Neville Pickering.
(b) Cecil Rhodes.
(c) Jan Cheroot.
(d) Bazo.

12. What is the name of the book Zouga wrote?
(a) Hunter's Journey.
(b) Hunter's Dream
(c) Hunter's Odyssey.
(d) Hunter's Nightmare.

13. When Zouga asks the nameless man what he's selling, how does the nameless man respond?
(a) Diamonds.
(b) Wealth.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) Hope.

14. Who does Jordan believe his mother's spirit has become in her death?
(a) Amara.
(b) Panes.
(c) Raven.
(d) Eagle.

15. How long after the man is killed by the bolting horse does Zouga sign over the deeds to his diamond claims?
(a) One week.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Three days.
(d) Ten days.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who witnesses the entire physical fight that occurs between Ralph and Zouga?

2. What is the meaning of the name by which Zouga introduces himself to the warriors he comes upon?

3. According to rumor, how many slaves had Mungo St. John transported from Africa to North America in a three month period?

4. Who congratulates the nameless man on a "job well done"?

5. Who is killed when a horse that he is sitting on is spooked and bolts?

(see the answer keys)

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