Memory Police Test | Final Test - Easy

Yoko Ogawa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memory Police Test | Final Test - Easy

Yoko Ogawa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The old man is trapped in Chapter 21, but he tells the narrator to run because of what reason?
(a) There is a tsunami on the way.
(b) He is sure to die anyway.
(c) She is young and brilliant.
(d) He is in a lot of pain.

2. In Chapter 18, the narrator uses which of her five senses to put R under surveillance?
(a) Her hearing.
(b) Her touch.
(c) Her sense of smell.
(d) Her sight.

3. The old man reports to the narrator in Chapter 14 that the Memory Police had interrogated him about what subject?
(a) Smuggling.
(b) Birds.
(c) Fruit.
(d) Theft.

4. What is the first natural disaster to happen in Chapter 21?
(a) A tornado.
(b) A flood.
(c) A tsunami.
(d) An earthquake.

5. Chapter 12 begins with what type of feature?
(a) An excerpt from the narrator's newest novel.
(b) An arrest warrant.
(c) A story about the old man.
(d) An excerpt from the narrator's mother's diary.

6. What action does the narrator "instinctively" (149) take at the start of Chapter 17, just after she has heard the doorbell ring at the end of Chapter 16?
(a) She covers her mouth.
(b) She grabs the old man's arm.
(c) She crouches down.
(d) She screams.

7. In what location do the old man and the narrator stand with their hands behind their heads during the search of the narrator's home?
(a) In the hallway.
(b) On the front porch.
(c) In the kitchen.
(d) In the attic.

8. What objects are disappeared in Chapter 15?
(a) Cars.
(b) Calendars.
(c) Pianos.
(d) Clocks.

9. How many Memory Police officers arrive to search the narrator's home in Chapter 17?
(a) 5 or 6.
(b) 3 or 4.
(c) 10 or 12.
(d) 8 or 9.

10. What object catches the narrator's eye in Chapter 17 and causes her anxiety to grow during the search of her home?
(a) The novel.
(b) The refrigerator.
(c) The notepad.
(d) The rug.

11. The narrator feels especially nervous in Chapter 17 when the Memory Police search which piece of furniture?
(a) A cabinet.
(b) A desk.
(c) A dining room table.
(d) A bed.

12. The sound of what object interrupts the birthday celebration in progress at the end of Chapter 16?
(a) The doorbell.
(b) The air raid siren.
(c) The radio.
(d) The wind.

13. On whose behalf does the narrator go out walking at the start of Chapter 22?
(a) The old man's.
(b) Her boss's.
(c) R's.
(d) Her own.

14. What is NOT an item sent by the ex-milliner and his wife to the narrator in Chapter 19 to thank her for her hospitality?
(a) A sack of flour.
(b) An umbrella.
(c) A can of sardines.
(d) A pepper grinder.

15. How many times does the narrator repeat the old man's name before the officer at the desk says, "I'm afraid he's not here" (102)?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
(d) 2.

Short Answer Questions

1. What action do R, the narrator, and the old man take "for a long time" (204) once they are reunited in R's hidden room at the end of Chapter 21?

2. Which character is taken by the Memory Police in Chapter 13?

3. For what reason do the ex-milliner and his wife ask to stay overnight in the narrator's home?

4. When Chapter 19 begins, the narrator states that how many weeks have "passed since the old man's birthday party" (171)?

5. What two items does the narrator try to leave for the old man when she visits the headquarters of the Memory Police in Chapter 13?

(see the answer keys)

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