Memories, Dreams, Reflections Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the event convince Jung to believe?
(a) That the impossible can occur.
(b) That ordinary events are misleading.
(c) That he was essentially powerless.
(d) That men are strangers to themselves.

2. What dream of Jung's shows his feelings about religion?
(a) Meeting with the devil.
(b) Feces falling upon a cathedral.
(c) Choking on a communion wafer.
(d) Screaming obscenities in church.

3. How did the relationship between Jung and Freud develop?
(a) They began to distrust each other almost from the start.
(b) They began to play a greater and greater role in each other's work, but spent little time together socially.
(c) They were close, but a rift opened between them.
(d) They grew closer and closer over time.

4. How did Jung revisit his childhood memory in adulthood?
(a) He returned to the beach and built sand castles there.
(b) He played like a child among his children.
(c) He used stones to build a little village on the beach.
(d) He played out adventures with his children and dog.

5. How did Jung's work progress from the time he met Freud?
(a) It opened greater and greater professional prospects for him.
(b) He began to be guided by spiritual-sounding voices.
(c) He began to write creative pieces, poems and plays, based on his experiences.
(d) It fizzled to an end and needed renewal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jung say he realized held the greatest meaning for him as he grew older?

2. What did Jung expect for his career and maturity?

3. How was mental health practiced when Jung entered it?

4. What childhood memory inspired Jung in the new direction his work was taking?

5. What was Freud's position in his field when Jung met him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where did Jung find spiritual life that seemed honest?

2. How was Jung exposed to the concept of God as a child?

3. What event gave Jung his fear of "men in black frocks"?

4. How did Jung experience religion in his youth?

5. How did Jung feel about religious practice as a child?

6. Where did Jung have his first early success?

7. Describe Jung's association test.

8. What was Jung's relationship with Freud?

9. What importance does Jung's childhood have for him?

10. What was Jung's private life like while he was working with Freud?

(see the answer keys)

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