Memories, Dreams, Reflections Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Jung's experience of his condition?
(a) He had an out-of-body experience.
(b) He had hallucinatory experiences.
(c) He had a near-death experience.
(d) He transcended time and space.

2. What does Jung say about the Devil?
(a) He says that the Devil is as much a fiction as God.
(b) He attributes creation to a war between gods and devils.
(c) He describes the notion that the Devil made the world.
(d) He says that the Devil is real and he has seen him.

3. What does Jung say about ghosts?
(a) They are projections of unconscious longings.
(b) They are evidence of the desire for immortality.
(c) They are not evidence of an afterlife.
(d) They are convincing evidence of an afterlife.

4. What does Jung say makes it impossible for him to answer the question of an afterlife?
(a) He cannot always trust his senses.
(b) He is biased by his experience of paranormal activities.
(c) All his experience is from being alive.
(d) He does not know people who have returned from death.

5. How at home was Jung in North Africa?
(a) He knew his way around and understood the local language and customs.
(b) He was familiar with the culture.
(c) He did not understand the language.
(d) He was completely unfamiliar with the culture.

6. What did Jung find when his wife died, and his children were all grown up?
(a) That the desire that led him into a family did not require other things of him.
(b) That the restrictions he placed on himself were no longer necessary.
(c) That he had not needed his family as much as he thought.
(d) That he felt no diminution from the losses.

7. How common is the belief in an afterlife, in Jung's estimation?
(a) Almost everyone believes in an afterlife.
(b) The belief is more common in the West.
(c) Most people believe in an afterlife.
(d) It depends on the culture.

8. What does Jung say about the idea, expressed in Revelations, that time will end?
(a) That the idea exists in other cultures.
(b) That only developed cultures entertain this idea.
(c) That the book of Revelations should have been considered apocryphal.
(d) That the idea exists in the collective unconscious.

9. What did Jung find noteworthy about his travels to Africa?
(a) The people were deeply religious, mostly Christian or Muslim.
(b) There was more superstition than he expected.
(c) There was a strong presence of bush religion, even in the cities.
(d) Men and women keep to themselves.

10. What did Jung realize while he was recovering from his condition?
(a) That he was mortal.
(b) That his doctor was going to die.
(c) That the immortal part of him was not prepared for immortality.
(d) That his affairs were not in order, and he could not die.

11. What does Jung say is at the heart of his house?
(a) The masculine fireplace.
(b) The communal kitchen.
(c) The maternal hearth.
(d) The rational study.

12. How did Jung say the primitive people of North America kept their culture alive?
(a) By repetition of tradition.
(b) By perpetual innovation.
(c) By sacrificing captives.
(d) By constant adaptation.

13. What aspect of moral judgments does Jung discuss?
(a) Their intuitive truthfulness.
(b) Their origins in the unconscious.
(c) Their psychological effects.
(d) Their superstitious qualities.

14. When was Jung recovering from the death of his wife; a time during which he added on a tower to his house?
(a) 1930s.
(b) 1940s.
(c) 1950s.
(d) 1920s.

15. What does this central symbol of alchemy contain?
(a) A warning against misusing alchemy.
(b) An unsolved riddle.
(c) A recipe for gold.
(d) A set of signs and symbols.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jung describe of the Buddhist perspective on the afterlife?

2. What did Jung see in one of his prominent visions when he was integrating his fantasies with his interest in alchemy?

3. How was Jung's house influenced by primitives?

4. Where does Jung suspect that thoughts about life after death come from?

5. How does Jung say science can evaluate the idea of life after death?

(see the answer keys)

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