Memories, Dreams, Reflections Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What significance does the red stone have for Jung?
(a) He identified it with God.
(b) He had thought it spoke to him.
(c) He had used it to represent an altar.
(d) He had found it when he had had a revelation.

2. How did Jung attempt to approach God?
(a) Through church rituals.
(b) Through piety toward his parents.
(c) Through books.
(d) In his feelings.

3. How was mental health practiced when Jung entered it?
(a) It was at the heart of scientific debates about psychology.
(b) It was outside of science.
(c) It was closer to running a prison.
(d) It was in an obscure boundary-land between science and crime.

4. What effect did Jung's blasphemous dream have on him?
(a) It made him feel impious glee.
(b) It made him feel fear.
(c) It made him feel sacrilegious.
(d) It made him feel like an outcast.

5. How did Jung's feelings about Freud change as he got to know him?
(a) Jung found more and more to revere about him.
(b) Jung was critical in addition to admiring him.
(c) Jung began to distrust Freud's theories.
(d) Jung began to dislike him intensely.

6. How did writing this book change Jung's life?
(a) He recalled things he had forgotten entirely.
(b) He came to terms with his dislike for his father.
(c) He purged memories that had been making him sick.
(d) He became more objective about it.

7. What gave Jung confidence to align himself with Freud?
(a) His disagreements with the administration of the hospital.
(b) His reputation as a fighter.
(c) His disdain for the bourgeoisie.
(d) His desire for Freud's renown.

8. How did the relationship between Jung and Freud develop?
(a) They began to play a greater and greater role in each other's work, but spent little time together socially.
(b) They began to distrust each other almost from the start.
(c) They were close, but a rift opened between them.
(d) They grew closer and closer over time.

9. What was Freud's position in his field when Jung met him?
(a) He was an outcast from psychiatric circles.
(b) He was a pioneer.
(c) He was surrounded by scandals.
(d) He was accepted as a revolutionary thinker.

10. What kinds of conversations were standard fare in Jung's childhood household?
(a) Discussions of theology.
(b) Discussions of economics.
(c) Discussions of political intrigue.
(d) Discussions of literature.

11. How did Jung revisit his childhood memory in adulthood?
(a) He played like a child among his children.
(b) He returned to the beach and built sand castles there.
(c) He played out adventures with his children and dog.
(d) He used stones to build a little village on the beach.

12. What was the second revolutionary psychiatric practice that Freud instituted?
(a) Accept that sexuality is related to mental health.
(b) Involve patients' families in their therapy.
(c) Stronger anti-psychotic medications.
(d) Remove the mentally ill from society.

13. How did Jung's beliefs about God affect his thinking?
(a) Jung felt deeply guilty and afraid of damnation.
(b) Jung tried to stop thinking certain things for fear of blasphemy.
(c) It made Jung feel like a hypocrite, since he didn't believe what he was saying in church.
(d) Jung fostered his disbelief in private, and prepared to run away from his family.

14. How did Jung feel about meeting Freud?
(a) Envious and wary.
(b) Reverential.
(c) Thrilled and humbled.
(d) Flattered and pleased.

15. How did Jung feel about his career?
(a) He was attentive to the needs of his patients and cared for them.
(b) He was smart and successful because of his natural intelligence.
(c) He was passionately interested in mental health.
(d) He took the clinic in hand and ran it the way he wanted to.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Jung's experience at university?

2. What values was Jung trying to balance in his career choice?

3. What does the mind contain, in Jung's view?

4. Where was Jung's first posting?

5. What did the event convince Jung to believe?

(see the answer keys)

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