Memories, Dreams, Reflections Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10, Visions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How often were patients allowed to return home from the asylum Jung practiced at?
(a) Almost all the time.
(b) Often.
(c) Hardly ever.
(d) Only in cases of rare progress.

2. What did Jung begin to confront about his father when he was integrating his fantasies with his interest in alchemy?
(a) The limits of his father's thinking.
(b) His father's relationship with his wife and family.
(c) The origins of his illness.
(d) His father's cold and aloof nature.

3. What crafts is alchemy close to, in its practice?
(a) Glass blowing.
(b) Blacksmithing.
(c) Farming.
(d) Cooking.

4. What did Jung realize while he was recovering from his condition?
(a) That the immortal part of him was not prepared for immortality.
(b) That he was mortal.
(c) That his affairs were not in order, and he could not die.
(d) That his doctor was going to die.

5. How did Jung feel about his career?
(a) He took the clinic in hand and ran it the way he wanted to.
(b) He was passionately interested in mental health.
(c) He was attentive to the needs of his patients and cared for them.
(d) He was smart and successful because of his natural intelligence.

Short Answer Questions

1. What plan of treatment led Jung to his breakthrough?

2. How was abnormal psychology seen in Jung's time?

3. What happened to Jung's doctor while Jung was convalescing?

4. How long had Jung and his wife been married when she died?

5. What state was Jung's father in when Jung was integrating his fantasies with his interest in alchemy?

(see the answer key)

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