Memorial Test | Final Test - Easy

Bryan Washington
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Memorial Test | Final Test - Easy

Bryan Washington
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Tan and Mike do after leaving the diner the first time they eat together?
(a) Go to the airport.
(b) Go back to Eiju's apartment.
(c) Walk around in loops.
(d) Go for a coffee.

2. Who reminds Mike to take care of himself as well as his father?
(a) Hana.
(b) Sana.
(c) Takeshi.
(d) Natsue.

3. What does Mike learn after he returns from being with Tan overnight?
(a) Ben called with an emergency.
(b) The bar has burned down.
(c) Eiju has died.
(d) Eiju is in the hospital.

4. What does Eiju say to Mike when he asks if anyone else knows Eiju is dying?
(a) Eiju tells Mike to call Kunihiko.
(b) Eiju tells Mike to leave.
(c) Eiju tells Mike he can stay as long as he wants.
(d) Eiju tells Mike to call Mitsuko.

5. What does Mike notice Eiju does less of as he gets sicker?
(a) Cry.
(b) Pay for things.
(c) Get angry.
(d) Drink.

6. What is the name of Eiju's bar?
(a) Hirami.
(b) Katami.
(c) Mitsuko.
(d) Huniko.

7. Where does Tan live with his mother?
(a) Doyama.
(b) Tokyo.
(c) Miraki.
(d) Nagasaki.

8. What does Eiju scribble in his notebook that Mike finds in his apartment?
(a) Prayers.
(b) Poems.
(c) Notes to friends.
(d) Lists.

9. What does Eiju do in Osaka?
(a) Runs a detective agency.
(b) Runs a law firm.
(c) Runs a laundromat.
(d) Runs a bar.

10. What does Mike cook for Eiju's doctor?
(a) Udon with scallions.
(b) Miso.
(c) Rice with pork.
(d) Eggs.

11. Which of Eiju's patrons tells Mike she is happy he is there for Eiju?
(a) Natsue.
(b) Kunihiko.
(c) Sana.
(d) Hana.

12. How did Ben and Mike meet?
(a) At a friend's wedding.
(b) At a party.
(c) At a restaurant.
(d) At the doctor's office.

13. What does Mike tell Ben one day during one of their worst fights, right before he leaves for Osaka?
(a) No one will ever love Ben.
(b) The world does not owe Ben anything.
(c) Ben is very selfish.
(d) Ben needs to get a better job.

14. Who comes to have dinner regularly at Eiju's as Eiju enters the later stages of his illness?
(a) Takeshi.
(b) Kunihiko.
(c) Ben.
(d) Tan.

15. Who is the first person Mike tells outright that Eiju is dying while he is in Japan?
(a) Tan.
(b) Sana.
(c) Natsue.
(d) Hana.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which couple are regulars at Eiju's bar?

2. What was the first expression on Eiju's face after seeing Mike in Osaka for the first time?

3. What had Mike decided to do just before he got the call from Mistsuko about Eiju's illness?

4. What does Eiju tell Mike when Mike reminds him of the doctor's orders not to smoke?

5. Which of the following is one of Eiju's favorite smells?

(see the answer keys)

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