Memorial Drive Test | Final Test - Medium

Natasha Trethewey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memorial Drive Test | Final Test - Medium

Natasha Trethewey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Trethewey find five years after her mother's death?
(a) A box of uncashed checks from her mother's job.
(b) A cassette tape of her voice.
(c) A box of pictures of her with Trethewey's father.
(d) A set of architectural plans she had made for a house she wanted to build herself.

2. What did Joel do the year that he finished technical school?
(a) Divorced Gwendolyn.
(b) Moved to Mississippi.
(c) Got arrested for drug possession.
(d) Started his own HVAC business.

3. What did Joel do to violate Trethewey's privacy in Part III?
(a) Listened in on her phone calls.
(b) Came into her room without knocking.
(c) Read her diary.
(d) Barged in on her in the shower.

4. What play did Trethewey act the lead in in grade school?
(a) The Three Witches.
(b) The Santa Mouse.
(c) The Reluctant Dragon.
(d) The Smart Hipster.

5. What did Joel tell Gwendolyn was wrong with Trethewey when she left for school in Part III?
(a) Her pants were too tight.
(b) She looked too tired.
(c) Her hair did not look good.
(d) She had not eaten breakfast.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one of the few clues Trethewey had about Gwendolyn's last days?

2. What is the name of the school Trethewey attended in fifth grade?

3. What did Gwendolyn write in her own notes about the reasons she married Joel in the first place?

4. What letters did the medium write on his notepad in front of Trethewey?

5. What did Joel do to torment Gwendolyn on a regular basis?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Gwendolyn write about the problems between Trethewey and Joel?

2. What did Trethewey tell her mother when Gwendolyn told her Joel wanted to adopt her?

3. Why did Gwendolyn write in her notes that her marriage to Joel had happened in the first place?

4. What did Trethewey go out of her way to avoid in Atlanta when she moved there as an adult?

5. In what way was Trethewey careful about how she answered the medium's questions?

6. What did Gwendolyn give Trethewey that provided a "crucial outlet" for her (106)?

7. What was Trethewey's first impression of the medium she visited?

8. How long was it before Trethewey had a chance to read her mother's notes that were taken from her briefcase by the police?

9. What did Gwendolyn write was the impetus for Joel's first death threat against her?

10. What did Gwendolyn write was one of Joel's favorite things to do to torment her?

(see the answer keys)

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