The Memorandum Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Memorandum Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As a result of Gross' incorrect answers, what does Lear deny him?
(a) A cigarette.
(b) The memo translation.
(c) Further classes on Ptydepe.
(d) His previous position back.

2. What does Lear acknowledge about Ptydepe?
(a) It is not structured well.
(b) It seems complicated.
(c) It was created for the wrong reasons.
(d) It is pointless.

3. In Act 1, Scene 6, what is the one signal of hope that Gross does not see, symbolizing that he has lost all hope in his current situation?
(a) Stroll and Savant admit that Ptydepe is useless.
(b) Helena reprimands Ballas for his actions.
(c) Maria hands him the cigar box.
(d) Ballas admits his lack of leadership qualities.

4. Who is Stroll?
(a) Gross' boss.
(b) The new Accounting manager.
(c) The head of the Center.
(d) The CEO of the company.

5. What is Gross rumored to be using inappropriately?
(a) Company funds.
(b) The company vehicle.
(c) His authority.
(d) A rubber stamp.

Short Answer Questions

1. The irony of the events in Acct 1, Scene 5 is that Gross' lack of knowledge prevents him from gaining what?

2. Hypothetically, the use of Ptydepe could remove what from the office?

3. What does Gross interrupt at the start of Act 1, Scene 5?

4. in Act 1, Scene 5, what does Lear attempt to illustrate about Ptydepe?

5. According to Lear, how is the best way to learn Ptydepe?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some examples of Stroll's initial behavior that further symbolize the intention of keeping Gross out of the loop?

2. What are the noticeable habits of Hana, the secretary, that are displayed in the beginning of the play?

3. What is ironic about the way the conversation between Gross and Ballas starts and the way it concludes, specifically concerning Gross' job?

4. What does Gross' signature of the Ptydepe authorization set into motion?

5. What does Helena's request for Maria to help her make coffee symbolize?

6. What is it about the letter Gross receives that gets his attention, why is it significant to the play, and how does Gross react to it?

7. How is the symbolism of the fire extinguisher heightened at the beginning of the second part of Act 2, Scene 9, part 2 with George and Gross?

8. What is it about Gross' life that leads him to believe he might not be able to "fight for his innocence?" What reasoning does he give Maria?

9. What is both ironic and significant about Pillar's outburst at the end of Act 2, Scene 10?

10. What is important about Maria's gesture to Gross at the end of Act 1, Scene 6, and what is the irony in it?

(see the answer keys)

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