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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Hadrian and Antinous visit a temple under construction in Greece. Antinous feeds a ____________ that is brought there to consecrate the sanctuary upon its completion.
2. When Hadrian states that if the collapse of Rome happens it will concern his successors, he mentions that it is which year of the Roman era?
3. After their trip to make sacrifices on Mount Casius in Antioch, Hadrian and his troops continue to Jerusalem. Hadrian intends to rebuild the city nearly destroyed by which emperor?
4. After Hadrian forbids the Jews from reestablishing themselves in Jerusalem, they settle in all BUT WHICH of the following cities?
5. During the sight-seeing trip with his wife which is meant to cheer him, Hadrian realizes that it would be Antinous' birthday; how old would he have been had he lived?
Short Essay Questions
1. What incident in "Disciplina Augusta, 233-251" leads Hermogenes to diagnose the emperor with heart disease?
2. Why does Antinous refuse to have his palm read a few days after the sacrifice on Mount Cassius?
3. What happens to Hadrian's secretary in "Disciplina Augusta, 211-233"?
4. According to Hadrian, what must Antinous have thought after the lightning episode on Mount Cassius?
5. In "Saeculum Aureum, 171-189," why does Hadrian begin to push Antinous away?
6. In "Disciplina Augusta, 233-251," what causes the initial problems between the Roman troops and the Jewish residents of Jerusalem?
7. Why, when choosing a successor, does Hadrian settle on Lucius?
8. Describe the three prospects Hadrian dismisses before finally settling on Lucius as his successor and why those three are dismissed.
9. As Hadrian recounts the series of misunderstandings that lead to Jewish revolt in Jerusalem, what attitude does he take toward the Jews?
10. According to "Saeculum Aureum, 189-211," why must it have been particularly difficult for Antinous to commit suicide in the manner he chose?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare and contrast Hadrian's education with that of other Roman citizens during this period in history. Be sure to include supporting information from the text and outside research as necessary.
Essay Topic 2
Compare and contrast Hadrian's ruling style with that of Trajan, Nerva, and Domitian. Include supporting information from the text and outside research as necessary.
Essay Topic 3
In a well-developed essay, discuss three ways in which Hadrian's thoughts about the nature of love affect his personality and ruling style. Include supporting information from the text.
This section contains 1,231 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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