Memoirs of Hadrian Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memoirs of Hadrian Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Disciplina Augusta, 211-233.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After discussing his political enemies, Hadrian says that which of the following individuals organizes life with a view of serving him?
(a) Attianus.
(b) Neratius Priscus.
(c) Plotina.
(d) Lusius Quietus.

2. Upon his return to Rome Hadrian begins work on the Odeon, which is a __________________.
(a) Theater.
(b) Public bath.
(c) Library.
(d) Courthouse.

3. During his travels in Greece, Hadrian mentions seeing the spaces for statues in sanctuaries left empty by the theft of which emperor?
(a) Domitian.
(b) Nero.
(c) Caligula.
(d) Trajan.

4. When the first reports of the Parthian campaign come in, which of the following major cities has fallen to Rome?
(a) Mari.
(b) Assur.
(c) Babylon.
(d) Nippur.

5. After discussing Trajan's perilous position as he finds enemies on all sides, Hadrian notes that Trajan wastes an entire winter in the siege of which desert fortress?
(a) Edessa.
(b) Hatra.
(c) Cyrene.
(d) Seleucia.

Short Answer Questions

1. As he talks about how Antinous came to be part of his life, Hadrian compares him to which animal?

2. After Hadrian returns to the Roman army and several problems erupt in the Orient at once, Hadrian manages to maintain order in which area?

3. After his villa is complete, Hadrian gives a series of banquets and discovers a love for women playing which of the following instruments?

4. After discussing his travels in Greece, Hadrian says that he holds his post as governor of Syria for how long when Trajan comes to him at Antioch?

5. When Hadrian presses Antinous to pick a tutor, the boy chooses which of the following individuals?

(see the answer key)

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