Memoirs of Glueckel of Hameln Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Glückel of Hameln
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memoirs of Glueckel of Hameln Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Glückel of Hameln
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom did Gluckel's family form a partnership only to dissolve it a year later because he did not put up the money agreed upon?
(a) Hirz Lietz.
(b) Moshe Berlin.
(c) Joseph Hameln.
(d) Judah Berlin.

2. To whom was Yenta Hameln betrothed?
(a) Hirz Letz.
(b) Solomon Gans.
(c) Abraham Letz.
(d) Samuel Cleves.

3. Who was the fourth eldest of Joseph Hameln's siblings?
(a) Moses.
(b) Abraham.
(c) Reb Samuel.
(d) Joseph.

4. What did Bela's mother make and sell before she married?
(a) Gold and silver lace.
(b) Buttons.
(c) Wool scarves.
(d) Ladies' gloves.

5. What did Gluckel find to be a "dull, shabby hole" in Book II?
(a) Her house.
(b) Hameln.
(c) Hanover.
(d) Her in-law's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many Reichsthalers did the richest Jew in Altona own?

2. Who turned out to be a Messianic pretender?

3. Under whose arm did Gluckel find a sore that was thought to be the plague?

4. What boarder did Gluckel and her husband send to Poland to do business for them in the beginning of Book III?

5. What was the name of Gluckel's mother?

Short Essay Questions

1. What arrived in Hanover to transport the wedding party in Book II? How did Chayim's father handle the situation?

2. What different publications of the narrative are discussed in the Introduction?

3. What reasons does the Introduction give for Gluckel writing the memoirs?

4. What were the families in Altona like? When and why did Gluckel's family return to Hamburg?

5. Where did Gluckel travel and why, according to the Introduction?

6. Who was Yenta and to whom was she betrothed?

7. What dangerous situation did Chayim encounter while in business in Book III? How did this lead to business with Judah?

8. When was the plague rumored to be spreading? What did Gluckel's family do?

9. Whom did Chayim send an escort for Gluckel in Book III?

10. What did Gluckel write of "preaching" in Book I? Did she?

(see the answer keys)

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