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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does F. Jasmin wear on the Saturday before the wedding?
2. What type of pass does the solider from the Blue Moon have?
3. Who color hair does the solider F. Jasmin speaks with at the Blue Moon have?
4. In Part I, what does Frankie, Berenice, and John Henry do every afternoon after eating dinner?
5. Why did Frankie envy solders?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does F. Jasmin ask her father when she returns home from her date? How does her father respond?
2. Describe Bernice.
3. Describe F. Jasmin's date with the soldier from the Blue Moon.
4. Describe Mary Littlejohn and her family.
5. What is the point of Berenice's stories about her past husbands? Why does she share the story with F. Jasmin?
6. Why was Frankie jealous of the soldiers? Why was F. Jasmin not jealous of the soldiers?
7. Describe Berenice's house.
8. Who are the Marlowe's, what is their relationship to Frankie and her family, and why do they no longer live in the front bedroom?
9. Describe the Blue Moon.
10. According to the narrator, how does Frances think John Henry viewed the wedding? How did Frances think Berenice viewed the wedding?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
How does Frankie's innocence isolate her from the real world? How is Frankie's innocence diminished? Please use specific examples from the book.
Essay Topic 2
Why do you think the author chose to use a narrator to tell Frankie's story? Why did the author not use the first person narrative to portray her struggle to belong to a group? Please use specific examples from the book.
Essay Topic 3
How is F. Jasmin 's dream in which she faced an opening door, significant to the plot of the story? Please use specific examples from the book.
This section contains 1,308 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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