The Member of the Wedding Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Member of the Wedding Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the solider order for F.Jasmin at the Blue Moon?
(a) A Coca-Cola.
(b) A glass of water.
(c) A beer.
(d) A glass of wine.

2. What does F. Jasmin do at 11:30 am on the Saturday before Jarvis's wedding?
(a) Meets up with a girl friend from school.
(b) Eats lunch at a the Blue Moon.
(c) Stops at Mr. Addams' jewlery store.
(d) Rides her bike to the department store.

3. How many times had Berenice been married?
(a) Two times.
(b) Three times.
(c) One time.
(d) Four times.

4. What did Frankie shoplift from Sears and Roebuck?
(a) A wrench.
(b) A handkerchief.
(c) A ring.
(d) A pocketknife.

5. What street is the Blue Moon situated on?
(a) Main Avenue.
(b) Front Street.
(c) Main Street.
(d) Front Avenue.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is not one of the ways Frankie spends her day?

2. What is Bernice's profession?

3. What is F. Jasmin's father's full name?

4. What does F. Jasmin spend the Saturday before the wedding doing?

5. During what month does the story take place?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Big Mama.

2. How does Frankie describe her experience of seeing the two boys out of the corner of her eye to Berenice?

3. Describe Frankie.

4. Describe John Henry.

5. What changes does the month of November bring for Frances, Berenice, and John Henry?

6. What are Frankie's plans for after her brother marries his bride-to-be and why does she make these plans?

7. Who are the Marlowe's, what is their relationship to Frankie and her family, and why do they no longer live in the front bedroom?

8. What role does John Henry play in the conversations that take place in Part 2, Chapter 2? How does the narrator's reference of John Henry as gray foreshadow what may come later in the novel?

9. What does France to do the night after returning home from the wedding?

10. Describe Mr. and Mrs. Williams.

(see the answer keys)

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