Mein Kampf Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mein Kampf Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hitler feel is more potent than the written word when it comes to starting wars?
(a) Wealth.
(b) Fear.
(c) The spoken word.
(d) Desperation.

2. What type of men makes good organizers?
(a) Those having a wealth of theoretical knowledge.
(b) Those having a wealth of practical knowledge.
(c) Those who are very passionate.
(d) Those with vast amounts of experience.

3. What disrupts the balance of the three groups of people?
(a) The end of the monarchy and change in political views.
(b) Poverty and starvation.
(c) The rise of Marxism and other socialist orders.
(d) The war and high casualties.

4. To Hitler, the ability to feed the nation depends on what?
(a) Its freedom.
(b) Its wealth.
(c) Its people.
(d) Its soil.

5. How is Hitler familiar with the use of propaganda?
(a) From his experience in political parties.
(b) From his experience studying the enemy.
(c) From his experience as a journalist.
(d) From his experience in the war.

6. When is the National Socialist German Workers Party dissolved?
(a) On November 9, 1903.
(b) On November 9, 1913.
(c) On November 9, 1933.
(d) On November 9, 1923.

7. What does Hitler examine in this chapter?
(a) Germany's relationship with Russia.
(b) The number of Jews in Germany.
(c) Germany's wealth.
(d) Germany's relationship with France.

8. The first part in the battle is the __________________ of the existing state of affairs.
(a) Tweaking.
(b) Eradication.
(c) Improvement.
(d) Making.

9. How does Hitler views the World War I peace treaty?
(a) It is greatly needed.
(b) It favored the Germans over others.
(c) It is basically an attack on Germany.
(d) It is somewhat unfair.

10. What should be the goal of the present foreign policy?
(a) To protect the Germans from invaders.
(b) To become allies with Russia.
(c) To keep out foreigners.
(d) To acquire land and soil.

11. What do they notice at their meetings, always challenging the same few points?
(a) A weak opposition.
(b) A unified opposition.
(c) A minor opposition.
(d) One man.

12. Hitler feels that every movement has to divide its people into how many groups?
(a) Four.
(b) Two.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

13. What is one of the factors that distinguishes man from animal?
(a) Thumbs.
(b) Invention.
(c) Language.
(d) Emotion.

14. What does Hitler know they need to provide the members of the Party?
(a) Food and drink.
(b) Money.
(c) Shelter.
(d) A common bond.

15. What party forms at the same time as the National Socialist German Workers Party?
(a) The German Marx Party.
(b) The German People's Party.
(c) The German Democratic Party.
(d) The German Socialist Party.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the monarchy collapses in 1918, what is the only concern of the French?

2. How are the borders of these federated states created?

3. Hitler sees educating the German population in what as the way to achieve this goal?

4. What do the end of World War I and the armistice do to Germany?

5. How does Hitler define the difference between the old Reich and the new Republic?

(see the answer keys)

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