Meetings with Remarkable Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Meetings with Remarkable Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Prince Lubovedsky turn to spiritualism?
(a) A fortune teller tells him he should.
(b) He wants to become a medium
(c) his young wife dies in childbirth and he wants to contact her
(d) His whole family is interested in spiritualism.

2. What is one of the conclusions Gurdjieff came to which he shares with the reader at the end of Chapter 8?
(a) no one in Europe knows or has any idea about Asia
(b) none of his many friends have the answers to his questions
(c) Europians are superior to Asians
(d) he liked living in Kars the best

3. What was Ekim Bey interested in?
(a) ancient languages
(b) mathematics and engineering
(c) philosophy and psychology
(d) hypnotism, the human psyche and magic tricks

4. What do the two travelers do after their thirst for knowledge is satisfied ?
(a) They return to Russia and their families
(b) They fall into a deep depression.
(c) They decide to become monks.
(d) They start a school to teach what they have learned.

5. What does Gurdjieff do in Rome?
(a) He shines shoes
(b) He sells figurines
(c) He is a fisherman.
(d) He is a waiter at an inn.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom do Gurdjieff and Skridlov meet in Afridis?

2. What did Yelov think about his father?

3. How does Gurdjieff earn money in Constantinople?

4. What did Ekim Bey and Gurdjieff do when they reached Old Tashkent?

5. What did Ekim Bey write in a later letter to Gurdjieff?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where and when do Gurdjieff and Karpenko meet?

2. What brings them together?

3. What do Skridlov and Gurdjieff disguise themselves as and how?

4. Where does Gurdjieff meet Professor Skridlov and under what circumstances?

5. Whom do Gurdjieff and his friends go out of their way to see on their journey?

6. What does Yelov comment on that gives Gurdjieff an idea for making more money.

7. What was the main lesson Skridlov and Gurdjieff learned in the Monastery?

8. Where does Gurdjieff meet Prince Lubovedsky and what do they have in common?

9. What degree does Karpenko with?

10. What does Gurdjieff do in Rome to make money?

(see the answer keys)

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