Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8, Ekim Bey.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Ekim Bey and Gurdjieff do when they reached Old Tashkent?
(a) They waited at the telegraph office for money to arrive
(b) They sent another wire for money.
(c) They were given room and board with an old dervish.
(d) Bey posed as a fakir and Gurdjieff as a sword swallower.

2. What was awakened in Gurdjieff while listening to Bogachevsky and his friends' discussions around the samovar?
(a) an interest in abstract questions and spiritualism
(b) an interest in mathematics
(c) an interest in becoming a member of the Essene Brotherhood
(d) a feeling of inferiority when he compared himself with them

3. What caused Yelov to lose his wealth as a book and stationery store owner?
(a) the Russian Revolution swept his riches away.
(b) He became ill and couldn't run his business.
(c) A false friend swindled him.
(d) He lost everything through gambling

4. How did Gurdjieff and Pogossian secure passage on a ship to Egypt?
(a) They got jobs as crew members on an Egyptian ship.
(b) The bribed a ship's captain to take them to Egypt.
(c) They sneaked on board a ship destined for Alexandria
(d) They came to the aid of some English sailors in a fight.

5. Where was Sarkis Pogossian born and of what race was he?
(a) He was Armenian and he was born in Transcaucasia.
(b) He was Armenian but he was born in Turkey.
(c) He was Turkish and he was born in Greece.
(d) He was Greek and he was born in Armenia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Vitvitskaia do while she stay with Prince Lubovedsky's sister?

2. Which two animals did Gurdjieff feel a man should embody?

3. What state did Gurdjieff experience, according to Mullah Nassr Eddin's words, after many sleepless nights?

4. Who was Kouzmin?

5. What would Gurdjieff's father do on evenings before Sundays and holidays?

(see the answer key)

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