Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4, Bogachevsy.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the stories Gurdjieff's father told him influence him in his later life?
(a) they were a constant reminder of his father and his father's goodness
(b) he told them to his own children
(c) he remembered them when he suffered from insomnia
(d) they were a spiritualizing factor, enabling him to comprehend the incomprehensible

2. How did Gurdjieff view his father?
(a) like a fool whom he had no respect for
(b) like an older brother who instilled high ideals in him
(c) like a friend who was somewhat beneath him
(d) like a very stern patriarch whom he feared

3. What did Krestovsky teach Gurdjieff?
(a) history and geography
(b) mathematics and physiology
(c) anatomy and psychology
(d) Scripture and Russian

4. With whom did Bogachevsky share lodgings?
(a) Krestovsky
(b) Nureyev
(c) Dean Borsh
(d) Ponomarenko

5. Why did the subject of spiritualism make a strong impression on Gurdjieff?
(a) because his dead sister appeared to him in a dream
(b) because he wanted to believe in immortality
(c) because of the recent death of his favorite sister
(d) because he wanted to take part in a seance

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Gurdjieff's father lose his fortune as the richest cattle owner in Armenia?

2. What kind of education was Father Borsh in favor of having Gurdjieff pursue?

3. Who was the fortuneteller whom Gurdjieff's aunt consulted?

4. What did Gurdjieff's aunt warn him about?

5. Why was the lumber yard that Gurdjieff's father opened a failure?

(see the answer key)

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