Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Meetings with Remarkable Men Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7, Prince Yuri Lubovedsky.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For whom is Gurdjieff working when he first meets Prince Ludbovedsky?
(a) for the English on a ship anchored at Alexandria
(b) for the Russian archaeologist Skridlov
(c) for Dean Borsh
(d) for his father

2. Where did Gurdjieff witness his third ashokh contest?
(a) Kabul in the region of Afghanistan
(b) Istanbul in Turkey
(c) Subatan in the region of Kars
(d) Teheran in Persia

3. Between what ages did Father Borsh feel a male was fully developed?
(a) between the ages of twenty and twenty-three
(b) between the ages of nineteen and twenty-two
(c) between the ages of eighteen and twenty
(d) between the ages of nineteen and twenty-one

4. What did the Yezidis believe?
(a) they will some day take over the world
(b) they cannot leave a circle that is drawn around them
(c) they are suseptible to many diseases
(d) they are the chosen-ones and have special powers

5. What tendency of his father's nature was defined by Gurdieff as virtuous?
(a) His father never told a lie
(b) his father didn't take advantage of people's naivete or bad luck
(c) His father was loyal to his family and friends
(d) His father was extremely reliable in his business dealings

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gurdjieff agree to do for Prince Lubovedsky?

2. According to Father Borsh what two things should a priest be able to do for the members of his flock?

3. On their expedition in search of the school run by the Sarmoung Brotherhood what experience causes Gurdjieff and Pogossian great fear but then hilarious laughter?

4. What did Dean Borsh teach Gurdjieff?

5. What had Soloviev been at one time?

(see the answer key)

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