Me: Stories of My Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Me: Stories of My Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Hepburn meet while working with Mayer on The Philadelphia Story?
(a) Spencer Tracy.
(b) Grace Kelly.
(c) William Holden.
(d) Greta Garbo.

2. How did Hepburn react to Leland's marriage?
(a) She was heartbroken.
(b) She was happy for him.
(c) She felt relief.
(d) She was indifferent.

3. What did Hepburn's mother never do?
(a) Sing.
(b) Complain.
(c) Smile.
(d) Cook.

4. What was Mayer's profession?
(a) He was the head of a film studio.
(b) He was in the oil industry.
(c) He was in newspaper publishing.
(d) He was a dance choreographer.

5. Who did Hepburn have tea with while working on The Lake?
(a) President Roosevelt.
(b) George V.
(c) Winston Churchill.
(d) The pope.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Hepburn's father's name?

2. Who bought the rights to The Philadelphia Story for Hepburn?

3. Who did Leland fall in love with when he went East for a play?

4. Where did Hepburn meet Luddy?

5. What did Hepburn's mother become the president of?

Short Essay Questions

1. What values does Hepburn say her mother passed on to her and her siblings?

2. What is Hepburn's relationship with her siblings like? Which of her siblings have passed away?

3. What does Hepburn say her father learned from his relationship with his mother?

4. Why does Hepburn believe George Cukor never received the credit he deserved for his work?

5. What story does Hepburn tell about a wild animal in the section titled "Leland Hayward"?

6. What did Hepburn's maternal grandmother, Caroline, want her daughters to do in their lives?

7. How did Hepburn's father react to her relationship with H. Phelps Putnam?

8. After marrying, what did Hepburn decide to do career-wise?

9. What did Hepburn think of Howard Hughes at first? How did the two of them get to know each other better?

10. In the section "Early Career", what career difficulty does Hepburn share?

(see the answer keys)

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