Me: Stories of My Life Test | Final Test - Easy

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Me: Stories of My Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Hepburn get the address of the person who helped her with her car trouble in Chapter 5?
(a) So she could send him a picture.
(b) So she could send him a thank you gift.
(c) So she could have dinner at his house.
(d) So she could send him a check.

2. What had the first voice instructor failed at teaching Hepburn?
(a) How to stand properly while singing.
(b) How to warm-up before a performance.
(c) How to use her diaphragm.
(d) Hepburn's vocal range.

3. How did Hepburn upset the scriptwriter during the making of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
(a) She suggested changing the name of one of the characters.
(b) She assumed it was a film for children.
(c) She tried to ad-lib some lines.
(d) She called the script unrealistic.

4. Why had Hepburn been sleeping on the floor beside Tracy's bed on the night he died?
(a) Hepburn wanted to be close to the phone.
(b) The left side of the bed was broken.
(c) Tracy kept hogging the blankets.
(d) He wasn't feeling well.

5. What is one reason Hepburn and Tracy did not marry?
(a) Hepburn was still married.
(b) Tracy's contact stated he could not marry.
(c) Tracy was already married.
(d) Hepburn never wanted to marry.

6. What type of production was The Corn is Green?
(a) An opera.
(b) A TV movie.
(c) A theatrical film.
(d) A play.

7. In what written form does Hepburn write the section about her trip with Willie?
(a) In the style of a nursery rhyme.
(b) Play form.
(c) Limerick form.
(d) In the stlye of a newspaper report.

8. What special day was it at the beginning of Chapter 4?
(a) Memorial Day.
(b) Easter Sunday.
(c) New Year's Day.
(d) Christmas Day.

9. To which country was Hepburn sent to to see a doctor in Chapter 5?
(a) France.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Scotland.
(d) Germany.

10. Why did Hepburn take roles with singing?
(a) She loved to sing in front of an audience.
(b) They paid better than normal acting roles.
(c) She would not let anything get the best of her.
(d) Her agent always talked her into it.

11. What did Hepburn do instead of going to Tracy's funeral?
(a) She wrote him a message in a bottle and threw it in the ocean.
(b) She visited his grave later on that week.
(c) She had a private ceremony at her home.
(d) She said her goodbyes at the funeral home on the morning of the funeral.

12. What did Hepburn hope about the trip to get the car?
(a) That she an Willie could start a relationship.
(b) That she would be able to relax for the first time in years.
(c) That it would help Willie get back on his feet.
(d) That Willie would offer her a job afterward.

13. Why was the leg Hepburn broke in the accident already sensitive to injury?
(a) Hepburn had suffered pain in her knee for several years.
(b) She had gotten an artificial hip for that particular leg.
(c) She had broken it as a child and it never healed properly.
(d) Hepburn had sprained her ankle the day before the accident.

14. Who was Sarah Forbes?
(a) Hepburn's friend.
(b) Hepburn's sister-in-law.
(c) Hepburn's makeup artist.
(d) Hepburn's interior decorator.

15. What did Hepburn wonder about Tracy and his wife?
(a) She wondered if Tracy had been a good husband.
(b) She wondered if Tracy made life harder for his wife by not divorcing her.
(c) She wondered if Tracy ever loved his wife.
(d) She wondered if Tracy ever wanted to return to his wife's side.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Hepburn wrote the letter to Tracy in Chapter 6, how many years had it been since his death?

2. What would Hepburn not admit to Willie Rose in Chapter 4?

3. Where were Hepburn, Phyllis and Sarah headed when they got a flat tire?

4. Where did Hepburn go with Willie to get his car?

5. What holidays did Hepburn spend in the hospital after the car wreck?

(see the answer keys)

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