Me Talk Pretty One Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Me Talk Pretty One Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sedaris initially offends the American couple by
(a) Crowding the couple with his body.
(b) Refusing to acknowlege their questions.
(c) Admitting that he speaks English.
(d) Grabbing on to a support pole they are clinging to.

2. Sedaris finds that most of the people in class share the belief that
(a) They will one day share a common faith.
(b) Easter occurs in March or April.
(c) They can clearly communicate their religious beliefs.
(d) They will one day speak and understand French clearly.

3. What does Sedaris admit to feeling for America?
(a) Anger.
(b) Arrogance.
(c) Pride.
(d) Contempt.

4. In this essay, Sedaris' itineraries revolve around
(a) Historical sites.
(b) Tourist traps.
(c) Movie showings.
(d) Restaurants.

5. Sedaris decides to try a crossword puzzle when
(a) His father suggests he try a new hobby.
(b) He discovers Hugh does them while on the phone.
(c) His father suggests he is not smart enought to do them.
(d) He discovers his ex-boyfriend does them while on the phone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Some of the themes Sedaris finds common in his fantasies are

2. The crossword puzzles grow harder as

3. Unlike Sedaris' childhood fieldtrips to historic villages, Hugh's school took him to visit

4. The derogatory term Martin uses for a French person is

5. Why did Hugh's family live in the Congo?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Sedaris attempt to charm his teacher with his humor?

2. What helps Sedaris overcome his distaste for the Walkman?

3. Why does Sedaris find the many signs posted in America ironic?

4. How has Sedaris' childhood been different from Hugh's?

5. Why does Sedaris eventually take the Mensa IQ test?

6. Why is Reggie so indignant about his job on the construction site clean-up crew?

7. Describe the Easter celebration the Sedaris family held each year.

8. In the end, what does the class discussion on Easter lead Sedaris to conclude?

9. What gives Sedaris a new confidence about speaking French?

10. Why is Sedaris even more afraid to speak French while taking a class in Paris?

(see the answer keys)

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