Me Talk Pretty One Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Me Talk Pretty One Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sedaris' own family was
(a) Atheist.
(b) Russian Orthodox.
(c) Greek Orthodox.
(d) Catholic.

2. The celebrity Sedaris' barber is fascinated by is
(a) Madonna.
(b) Michael Jackson.
(c) Mel Gibson.
(d) Jodi Foster.

3. What are the vachettes?
(a) French crafts.
(b) Angry French teenagers.
(c) Long-horned cattle.
(d) Crocheted doilies.

4. What is the most difficult part of learning French for Sedaris?
(a) Memorizing plural forms of nouns.
(b) Conjugating verbs.
(c) Memorizing nouns.
(d) Memorizing which nouns are masculine and feminine.

5. Why does Hugh get frustrated with Sedaris' multiple purchases?
(a) Hugh is concerned that Sedaris will never learn proper French.
(b) They don't have enough room for all of Sedaris' purchases.
(c) Hugh is concerned about the money Sedaris spends.
(d) They don't eat most of the foods that Sedaris can pronounce.

6. Though Sedaris is in Paris, he spends most of his time
(a) Watching documentaries.
(b) Watching foreign films.
(c) Watching silent films.
(d) Watching American films.

7. Why did the class have to explain Easter to the Moroccan woman?
(a) She did not know the French word for Easter.
(b) She did not know what Christianity was.
(c) She was not familiar with Christian customs.
(d) She was not familiar with Muslim customs.

8. Sedaris attempts to impress his teacher by
(a) Using his humor to make homework assignments interesting.
(b) Speaking only English in class.
(c) Using his humor to lighten up the class.
(d) Speaking perfect French.

9. Thanks to his sister, Amy, Sedaris learns
(a) The score to Madame Butterfly.
(b) The score to Phantom of the Opera.
(c) Medical terms in French.
(d) Literary terms in French.

10. In this essay, Sedaris' itineraries revolve around
(a) Tourist traps.
(b) Restaurants.
(c) Movie showings.
(d) Historical sites.

11. In The Knockout, Sedaris is dismayed to find
(a) He is too old to enter a boxing match.
(b) No one believes he can win the fight.
(c) Many groups object to his fighting since he has no passion for it.
(d) Many groups want him to represent their cause in the ring.

12. Some of the themes Sedaris finds common in his fantasies are
(a) The ability to foresee the future, and the ability to correct others' mistakes.
(b) Good looks and an interest in the good of all others.
(c) Good looks and the ability to control others.
(d) The ability to control others and be uncontrollable himself.

13. Instead of listening to French language tapes, Sedaris listens to
(a) French text books on tape.
(b) Children's books on tape.
(c) Old rock and roll tape.
(d) American books on tape.

14. Sedaris takes it personally when his teacher says
(a) She will not pass him from the course.
(b) She hates him.
(c) His accent is terrible.
(d) He will never learn French.

15. What changes Sedaris' mind about visiting France for the summer?
(a) The desire to learn French convinces Sedaris to visit France.
(b) The gifts Hugh brings him convince Sedaris to visit France.
(c) Loneliness convinces Sedaris to visit France.
(d) The promise of being a local celebrity convinces Sedaris to visit France.

Short Answer Questions

1. The crossword puzzles grow harder as

2. Though the teacher ridicules him in the end, Sedaris is proud because

3. Using the reference books, Sedaris discovers a whole new world of

4. Sedaris confesses his own fear is that

5. In the end, Sedaris decides

(see the answer keys)

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